Newest Kimber Montana any good?

I went with the Kimber Hunter about a year ago. I liked the weight, 3 position safety and the size of it for my wife to use and learn with. I don't know if I have shot better than 1 MOA with it but have only tried two factory loads in it. The Hornady Precision Hunter 143eldx shoot ok out of it. My only gripe is the magazine feeding/binding. I would like to get it bedded and possibly true the action/barrel sometime because I do like carrying it in the mountains. I'm going to start playing with handloads sometime too.
I went with the Kimber Hunter about a year ago. I liked the weight, 3 position safety and the size of it for my wife to use and learn with. I don't know if I have shot better than 1 MOA with it but have only tried two factory loads in it. The Hornady Precision Hunter 143eldx shoot ok out of it. My only gripe is the magazine feeding/binding. I would like to get it bedded and possibly true the action/barrel sometime because I do like carrying it in the mountains. I'm going to start playing with handloads sometime too.

I hear what you're saying Ian. I think that if someone has their heart set on a Kimber, they should plan on sending the new rifle out to a place like GA or Hillcountry to get it worked up.
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