New Year, New build?

I'm really enjoying the 6.5's right now, the 6.5x280AI is my current baby but my new comp gun is a 6.5wsm. Rifle ADD hurts :D

what kind of velocities are you getting with this cartridge? I was just pondering the other week if anyone had ever done one of these.
I am putting together a Shilen DGR action (Stiller), Timney Calvin Elite trigger, Grey bull stock, and a #4 1/8, 26 in. SS 264 WIN. Bench Mark barrel. I have the barrel and I am selling a Vortex scope that isnt being used to fund the action.
I have a 6x47L, another 30-338 Norma Imp, and a 6.5saum in the works so far this year. I'm also thinking about a 6.5x68 Schuler Imp as well. It should be close to the same capacity as a 26 Nosler with much better brass. The first two just need me to get off my butt and go chamber them. I'm still waiting on the saum reamer.

I finally get to go shoot my 6.5x47L tomorrow that I built in mid December. Being sick and out of town for the holidays have put a damper on my shooting schedule.

Sorry Chris none are Benchmark barreled but I do have a Benchmark 6.5mm barrel that will find a home somewhere soon.
IdahoCTD would be interested in the configuration of the 6.5x68 cartridge you are thinking about. What are your expectations? I have been playing with 7x68s for about 5 years and I see that brass is available again. At one time is was really hard to get.
My dad has a savage 270 and has been wanting a 25-06 for as long as I can remember. Hopefully I can talk him into converting it and then he can have his 25-06. For me, maybe a 6.5-284 to add to my 6.5 addiction or a 338 Laupa or 338 Norma
I'll just do a .015" taper and 35 degree shoulder.

I have 3 6.5-300wm's now but the sizing above the belt is getting tiresome, even with RWS brass, as well as trimming because the of 25 degree shoulder. So I'll probably rechamber them to 6.5x68 Imp. when the barrels give up. I have 3 7-300wm's too but I don't shoot them nearly as much so they will last a good deal longer. I have a bunch of 300wm RWS brass but have been shooting Winchester for a bit to get the additional velocity in 2 of my 6.5-300wm's. They shoot 140's 3300fps and 123's 3500fps in Winchester brass. In RWS brass I get 3230fps and 3385fps. The RWS brass is the toughest brass I've ever used and I've used every major brass manufacturer there is so it would be nice to use it and still get some good velocity. The additional capacity over a 6.5-300wm will make it where I can at least get the velocity I get using Winchester brass but using the better RWS 6.5x68 brass and not have the sizing issues. The down side is the additional cost of a bolt, dies, and a new reamer. I guess I could always do a 6.5-300 Norma Imp instead with 423 Dakota brass.

I might have to do a .270 cal too. I haven't built anything .270 in probably 15 years so I might have to try it out again.
I've been giving a lot of consideration to a 7-300. Don't really know why.....cuz I don't have one I guess :rolleyes:
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What are you all gonna build this year? And whats the purpose for it? I'm gonna finally jump on a 20-250 set up for the 55-62 gr'ers. I wanna blow the hair off the coyotes! Even if I miss :D
Now that all of my other projects are pretty well complete I'm going to send you a M-70 stainless 300 Rum and let you turn it into a 26 Nosler for me. If I like it I'll send you another gun)
Remington 783 conversion project from 308 to 6.5x47L in the works. Checked w/Benchmark first for pre-fit barrel but not available as of now. Also, a Ruger 338 Win Mag in the mail to Benchmark. Really looking forward to that one.
I've got a build that I just dropped the components off for... Went with Lane Precision Rifles in Pocatello, ID.

6.5 Sherman
26" Light Palma (31" blank - 4" cut from muzzle, 1" cut from shank)
Rem 700 Trued Action
Greybull Stock (New dark grey w/ black webbing)
Timney Trigger

Ideally, this will be my go-to Deer/Antelope rifle. If I ever decide to hunt elk with it, I plan on going with the 160 Matrix VLD. Should be an awesome rifle
I'm in process of building a switchable rifle for Precision Rifle Shooting (PRS) and long range target practice.

Defiance Deviant Tactical L/A action; 30 MOA integral rail and lugs. The bolt is 750" bolt and .590 Lapua face bolt. (300 Norma Mag Imp)
Extra bolt: .750" bolt with .308 bolt face. (6 Dasher and 284 Shehane). Yup, Defiance is happy to make .750" with .308 bolt face for me.
6 Dasher: Bartlien Heavy Palma at 30"
284 Shehane: Krieger HV at 28"
300 Norma Mag Imp: Bartlien HV at 30"

Manners MCS-T4A

Jewel BR 1.5oz

Sightron SIII 8x32x56 LRMOA

Muzzle Brake:
Either Terminator or Assassin brake

Need a camo bikini model to pose my new gun. :)
I just got my 6.5 wsm up and running. My target velocity with the 160 matrix was 3000 fps and I hit 3077 with 12ft extreme spread. :D I just can't shake the idea of that bullet over 3000fps, it turns into a monster.
No its time to get ready for match season.
1) .358 WSM 1.8" case (Indiana-legal deer round). Already have a start on it as the barreled action was put together by a good smith for me last year. Hunted it in the cheap plastic Savage stock but it deserves better. Just finished forming more cases myself and have a Boyds laminate stock on the way to pillar bed it into.

2) .243AI. Already have the action, Shilen .270" neck pre-fit barrel ordered. McMillan A3 Sporter stock will be ordered next week. I'll be building this one myself; I have 200 Lapua cases already neck turned and ready.
Building two 6.5 SAUM's one heavy gun to bang steel and shoot a little f Class and a lightweight hunter based off the GAP Xtreme Hunter. Also putting together a 6X45 for my soon to be 7 year old to bang steel and hunt with next deer season. That pretty much leaves me more than tapped out for this year.
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