New to reloading which primers to use

Welcome to the forum from East Central Wisconsin! I've been areloader since the late sixties. Federal 210 are great primers. For equipment I personally prefer RCBS or Redding. Just my preference. For loading manuals I have a whole shelf of them and have read all that I have. I don't think that you can have too many manuals or too many guns. When loading work in an area where you will have no distractions. You will be working with components that are capable of extreme pressure. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask us. The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked. We will help any way we can.

Good luck! Stay safe and enjoy the ride!
I completely agree. I've never really been a gun person myself, never disliked them just never had interest. However i am a bit of a prepper so decided if **** goes down and i need to hunt best have one. Plus i am from Canada where our wannabe dictator has banned the sale of handguns, and he's made amendments to that bill where he was wanting to ban many shotguns, and many hunting rifles hunters use luckily that bill got shot down by the opposition parties, however he came back with an edited bill for "assault style rifles" and has a bunch of guns on that ban list. So the fact it seems he's trying to ban guns made me decide it would be best to get some, now i have 4 with intentions of getting more. When the government says you don't need guns, you need guns. I'll be sure to get many reloading books, most people on here have recommended it so i may as well get many, it never hurts. I will be sure to ask if i have more thanks
I would add, in regard to loading manuals, I use several sources that include the bullet manufacturer, but I always then check the loads suggested with the powder manufacturer. I have been caught out not doing this and it turned into bad juju…

Do NOT mix headstamps…EVER!

Honestly may said they have multiple books so i think that's the route i'll go. Oh ****, yeah mixing that type of stuff would make me nervous when it comes to stuff like that