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New Texas Suppressor Bill Signed by Gov. Abbott

So did Idaho! Not sure how it has played out. Nobody I know wants to be the guinea pig, since it is a mandatory felony if convicted.

Exactly. About the only thing it really means is that the states are sticking their tongues out at the feds. If I went to Thunderbeast arms in Cheyenne and showed them my Wyoming drivers license, do you think they would sell me a supressor and skip the tax stamp? Hard no. Maybe if it was a federally illegal drug, like marijuana, meth, heroin or so on, they would sell it to me and the feds would just look the other way for everyone involved, because that makes sense......but instead, since it's an evil device that makes it to where my rifle won't damage my hearing, the feds gotta get involved

All frustrations and sarcasm aside, I do think if enough states continue to show their disapproval of the federal regulations, it MIGHT, just maybe, start a pathway towards getting these things more readily available.

Ya, I know, my heads up in the clouds. I guess a guy can hope.
I dunno. I think there's a whole lotta wishin'and hopin' in state laws that attempt to override federal laws. Funny how some governors want to thumb their noses at the federal government, but it's al "oh hell no" when cities thumb their noses at state government. They can't have it both ways.
We've had it in TN for years. Our law is very clear..

States don't answer to the federal government. I realize that they stopped teaching people about the constitution in school, but it is very clear on this matter. States grant authority to the federal government, not the other way around. This has been hashed out to the point that they created the 10th ammendment to make this painfully clear.

Don't fear the ATF in your state if you are following state law. When they start arresting people in California and Illinois for buying weed in stores, you can be concerned. Be bold my friends. We are unafraid here in Tennessee.
+1. I'm over simplifying but, just use the same argument in court that sanctuary cities have used....good for the goose, good for the gander.
Are FFLs going to follow this law or follow the federal laws which grant them their license and can just as easily take it away and then prohibit them from selling any guns and silencers. My guess is the FFLs are going to continue to keep following the laws the ATF enforces.
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