new tactical

I have two of these with fine duplex reticles and all I have done is added Kenton MOA elevation turret and it is good to go. One was sent to Scope Dot and windage dots were added and the second one will be sent to Hollands Shooter Supply and have the 24 MOA reticle installed. ( IMO holdover dots are faster than turrets ) These work great and they are light and compact. My hunting scopes have different requirements from my tactical / practical rifles so its a matter of you deciding what direction you want to go in. When I hunt I walk miles everyday and weight is a concern. All this being said do not be afraid to use the Leupold you have, I have shot both of mine past 1K reliably ( 7MM Mag and 7MMSTW ). My other scopes are Nightforce, Leupold Mark 4, Mark 8 and just ordered a Mark 6. But for me these are not the right application for hunting. Just remember that what you decide on now will probably change tomorrow.
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