New rig, 375 Cheytac :)

It was painted by wild dog custom rifle stocks, AUSTRALIA. Great work these guys, its called 'viper'.
I've seen a few on these paint jobs around. Mostly DIY jobs. Aulstralia is a long ways away to send off for a paint job unless it's cheap. There has to be a local shop that does these CONUS. Beautiful rifle! BTW.
I'm sure you know this already; but with the Jamison rounds, there is nothing better for ELR accuracy than the .375 period, if you are willing to spend the $ on the ammo. It's ballistcly better than the .408, .50, .416, .338 or anything in it's class.

Thanks for the information.
Nice looking rifle, Ripper.
I do however slightly disagree with your assessment that the 375 is the best caliber on the 505 Gibbs case. I don't think the 338 gives up anything to the 375.
Trueblue, the .338 gives up one very big thing to the .375, less terminal energy downrange...

And then there is less barrel life also...
Trueblue, the .338 gives up one very big thing to the .375, less terminal energy downrange...

And then there is less barrel life also...

Correct depending on which projectile's you are compairing... That is not the case all the time though. It would be very tough to convince me to shoot the 338 less then the 375. Its my favorite gun and will take alot to get me to change that. The accuracy i have seen out of more then a few of these is nothing short of scary.
Terminal Velocity is not the only big difference. Your also talking about a huge difference in sheer energy (PSI) especially at extended ranges. The number one big difference between a .338 and a .375 is about 1000 yds. and (ME) especially beyond 2,000 yds.

This has been argued over and over again all over the place and it's still argued even know the facts are in the math. Read and find out on your own but the .375 is putting to shame anything in it's class to include the .408 and .416 which are proven better than the .50 cal. Most people would not put the .338 in the same class with the .416 and .408 so why put it in a class that is proving time and time again how much better it performs.

Look deeper if your not a believer :)

Just my 2¢ worth.
That is one very nice looking rig. Show us when you have it complete and ita shooting results. Imppressive rig!!!
Yea Groper, you have one fine looking rifle. Make sure you mount a nice piece of glass on her. If you want to trade anything ie. a liver make sure you PM me 1st :)

Terminal Velocity is not the only big difference. Your also talking about a huge difference in sheer energy (PSI) especially at extended ranges. The number one big difference between a .338 and a .375 is about 1000 yds. and (ME) especially beyond 2,000 yds.

This has been argued over and over again all over the place and it's still argued even know the facts are in the math. Read and find out on your own but the .375 is putting to shame anything in it's class to include the .408 and .416 which are proven better than the .50 cal. Most people would not put the .338 in the same class with the .416 and .408 so why put it in a class that is proving time and time again how much better it performs.

Look deeper if your not a believer :)

Just my 2¢ worth.

Again this has 100% to do with the bullets you are using. and the yardage you plan on shooting. I Dont take shots at animals past 2000 really dont think that i want to try for ethical reason. Im not worried about energy past that im more worried about accuracy. The 338 is just hands down more accurate no matter what class you put it into.

Not argueing the point that the 375 has more down range energy. Only stated that for my purposes the 338 gives up nothing to the 375, as far as trajectory, accuracy, and bullet selection. At this point I find it easier to shoot a 338 than to go thru the experiment of barrel twist and what bullet to shoot in a 375. If they have worked all the bugs out, then I stand corrected.
But very nice rifle you have there, Ripper
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