New rig, 375 Cheytac :)

How is the big rig going mate ?

Looks like you need a good scope for it though... Is that what you settled on or a fill in ?

Very nice gun mate. Looks a little like Andrew Nobles gun in SA too.

groper, all I can say is WOW what an awesome looking rig, I love the pattern on the stock...pretty unique. How's it shoot?
Sorry, been a while since an update... well its all pretty much done now, just a few little things i wouldnt mind changing...

First i was testing the falcon menace 5.5-25x56 FFP scope, great scope on my .308 but i wanted to see how they went on the big gun, that lasted 70rounds... kaput... now its got the 5.5-22x56 NXS for keeps.

So far its been shooting reasonably well, last trip to the range ive was getting 6inches of vertical and 4 inches of windage on average in my groupings using the 350gr SMK @ 3180fps. 135grns of retumbo, CCI250 primers, seated just kissing lands. The load still isnt perfect, however the chronograph just died so i cant see my ES numbers, but the vertical in the 1000yd groups is telling me it could be improved some more. Seriously thinking of trying H50BMG for comparison even though ive been told retumbo is better...

Ive finally found a decent bipod which is still in developmet, and ive also added the accushot monopod which folds away into the cutout in the stock nicely...


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