How do you like living in Colorado? I am not as familiar with Western Colorado, mainly the front range area and the mountains through the central part of the state. Great place and I can't wait to get back there and do some alpine hunting at the higher altitudes.
Meanwhile I am happy to be here in Virginia. We moved here from California where the states seems to be in denial that the 2nd Amendment applies to California residents too. Virginia is a much more reasonable state when it comes to gun laws.
As I prepare for my first hunting trip this fall, I've been studying the laws here to make sure that I have all my bases covered. I am registered for a first-time hunters course that covers topics such as safety and ethics. This is required by the state, but it seems like it is just a good idea to do, plus it's free! I also purchased my general license yesterday, and I'll soon be getting my Deer, Bear, Turkey license. I didn't realize that they rolled those three types of game into one license. I was just planning to hunt deer and bear this year, but if I have turkey tags on my license, I'm going to use them! I don't have a shotgun that is a legal hunting gun, but I do have a .22 mag by Savage, so I'll give that a try until my budget (and wife) allow me to get a more suitable turkey gun. And you can bet I'll be smoking that turkey over applewood!
This is excited as I've ever been about starting a new hobby. I appreciate all of you who have contributed to the discussion. Your advice has been considered. Now that I have selected my gun, I am shifting to other gear requirements. I will not be using a GPS. I'll be hiking out to my hunt locations the old fashion way: map and compass! I also assume that I'll need a good knife, and of course, suitable hunting clothes. What am I missing?
Oh, and do any of you hunt with a side arm? I am thinking of bringing my wife's S&W model 60 loaded with .357 magnum rounds. My other choices are a .45 or a .22, both 1911 models.