new guy here

have now got enough money saved to get the remmy but still saving for a decent scope always liked the leopoulds but they are kinda expensive might see if i can find one second hand. have never used nightforce scopes but hear they are pretty good but then again a new one is alot of money.

what i want is a good tactical scope with easy elavation and windage dials to shoot out to 800 yards.any suggestions.

col 48 is their good hunting in your part of the country we are kinda spoilt here in scotland because its so underpopulated when i go down south i always think it must be hard to find places to hunt with so many people about.
have now got enough money saved to get the remmy but still saving for a decent scope always liked the leopoulds but they are kinda expensive might see if i can find one second hand. have never used nightforce scopes but hear they are pretty good but then again a new one is alot of money.

what i want is a good tactical scope with easy elavation and windage dials to shoot out to 800 yards.any suggestions.

col 48 is their good hunting in your part of the country we are kinda spoilt here in scotland because its so underpopulated when i go down south i always think it must be hard to find places to hunt with so many people about.

[/ QUOTE ]

hi Roe

we head up your way for deer stalking, as for foxing we have a few good spots down hear. i live in the Nottingham area. so i know what you mean,(and you are not wrong)

i don't know if bill can help you but drop him a email [email protected] he is a decent chap and may be your best option for a scope.
or have a look at this
they will ship if you ask them as a gift

or tell me the exact model you are after and i will give you my best price.

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