new guy here

I hope you dont mind me saying but i think you would be much better served with a .260 then a 308.
The 6.5 cal bullets it uses have a much higher ballistic coefficient and about the best sectional density out of any bullet available.
This makes them much more suiatble for the shooting you described including deer.

Who am i to correct you when i cant even read your name properly /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

the 260 sounds intresting i know very little about that cartridge what sort of barrel life would you expect from it how would it compare to the 308.
The 260 is basically a 308 necked down to 6.5mm or 6.5-08.
Its advantages over the 308 are all down to the bullets.
6.5mm bullets are regarded as the most accurate medium to long range ( up to 1000yds ) bullets you can get.
Because it can be loaded with lighter bullets, these bullets can be launched faster and because these lighter bullets have similar or even better BC then the heavier 308 bullets, you end up with a bullet that is faster, will reach out further and is better in the accuracy stakes then the 308.
The barrel life should be comparable with the parent simply because you are not forcing alot of hot burning gases through a small hole and thus eroding the chamber throat.

col48 the rifle would be used for target and vermin shooing out to about 600 yards deer stalking also but at less distance the part of scotland i live in is very flat and long shots when hutnig can often be the only choice at times also just like the the challenge of being able to hit hoodie crows at long disance.
can you recommend a good scope for this use i currently have a 6 to 20 by 50 leopuld with varmint hunters reticule on my 6mmppc and really like that.thanks

[/ QUOTE ]

hi roe
i use 4.5 x 14 x 50 illuminated with m1 target turrets put on by lupold and find it very good for my deer work. and something along this line should be fine for the job.
if you feel you need more mag then they do a 20 x and a 25 x but i have not used one of them so can not comment on them, best thing to do with a scope is get in and try them out, go to a shop and take them out side and have a good look through them as whats good for me may not be good for you.

Ian, Why can't you read my name properly? It is spelt E.T.etc etc (surname) but if you drop the surname the first bit is pronounced Eatie - clear as mud, heh I haven't got the hang of these Icons yet but I tried to post the 'laugh' one so pretend I I've only just found our what Lol stands for 'laughs out loud' I thought it meant lots of love and was getting a bit worried!!
For some reason i saw "Eddie" when i looked at your post and it was not untill i read your return post that i saw my mistake, i must say i felt a bit of a prat. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
When you write a post, if you bring your cursur down onto any of the little group of yellow faces under "instant gremlins" it will tell you what it means.
Left click on it and it will appear where your space bar is on your main text.
The ones above the text box are for describing the type of post and appear in the title box of your post under the relevant heading.
Hope that helps.


PS. Great to see another English shooter on this forum.
col 48 this may sound stupid but i presume you own a gun shop sorry if that sounds rude.if so what sort of price can you get a remmy 700 police or vsf for in the uk cant find any uk prices on the web .for scope would want something with 20 magnification because that is what i am now used to.thanks
hi roe

i don't have a shop and this is y i did not mention being able to get you a rifle, as i would not be able to sell them cheaper than the shops, there is nothing on a new rifle and i don't know how the shops stay in business with what is on a new rifle.

Remington pss police £750
Remington VSF 26" fluted barrel £795
the prices are from sportsman,

scope wise depending on what you are after i may be able to help, let me know what it is you are after and i will have a look and see what i can do.
all so try D&R sports they are cheap as well,i don't have a link as my comp crashed the other day and i lost every thing on it,
but i am sure one of the chaps on hear will have a link for you.
or you could try bill bailly from of this board he does have a shop and his prices will be way better than mine.if he will post to the UK.
if you need to contact me then you can email me @
[email protected]

The .260 is virtually identical in ballistics to the 6.5x55 Swede, but uses the shorter .308 parent case. I can vouch for its inherent accuracy and ability to take everything in UK thats currently legal . You might want something heavier for Boar, and I believe that Plod is saying that 7mm is going to be the legal minimum for that.

I use 100NBT at present for Fallow and Roe, Reds would not be a problem either. and will shortly go to 120/130 Gn Noslers/ or ?? to give me more 'knock down' and less risk of meat damage.

if you get to the point of reloading, I will be happy to share my recipes with you.


the remmys are deffinately the sort of price i am looking for also they are often availiable in 308 the wide selection of bullets also apeals to me.i bassicaly want a good beginers long range tactical rifle and as my skill and wages increase will look at something else.
Have you tried Minsterly Ranges Shrewsbury also known as The Bog.Loads of stock, reloading and mail order.Would not buy kit up here to dear.Get it shipped to a local RFD (i.e McClouds Tain)
if i can help you out i will, but there is nothing in a new rifle, i don't think it would even cover the post.but if you want something posting to another RFD then i don't mind helping you out.

like i have said bill Bailey and lerch from of this board are your best bet for a scope, or have a look at the for sale section,there is normally some good scopes for sale on here.

if you go for a rem you will need a trigger job, unless you get the new one which is meant to be quite good, and a good bedding job, but see how she shoots first.

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