NEED To watch this guy!!! Tiborasaurusrex

I have been watching the videos too. I am on video 43 (watched them all in about 10-14 day period) and am hoping the reloading and ballistic chart videos will be done soon. Any idea on the date these will be finished.

This guy seems to have a wealth of knowledge on long range shooting and all the variables that come with it.
Yup I've watched some of 'em. Two questions...

1-I take it he's ex-military or something? Lots of knowledge!

2-How does he find out the "Ammo Temperature Velocity Curve"???? (the top row on your charts) That's something I would find very convenient... especially when not using Temp Stable Powders.

I'm not sure of the exact system he uses for the ammo temp curve. As you know and can see the RL-17 is a temp sensitive powder. But there is a temp curve on my 7mm using h4831sc also. I've taken 4 yotes over 900 with the 7mm, using the temp curve charts in temps from -5 to + 60 degrees. and they were right on. I don't no what he is using. He will show this when he gets too his ballistics applied video, which I too am waiting on.
I finished all the videos and new Rex to upload the rifle cleaning one, more ballistics and mainly interested in the ballistic charts. He has started a bad thing here and is leaving me hanging wanting more. :D gun)
If I may ask some questions about YouTube?
I have to watch YT on my tv, how do I see just his videos & see them in order? I don't have YT account, I would need to use my dumb phone to sign up if that is needed? My Samsung Blu-Ray player for the tv has a hard drive and I been able to save videos, but can they be saved to a external HD? Might try to hook up external HD to my newer phablet. What say you-ins please? On subject, I like ELR, but need help with good primers. Won't hi-jack anymore, sorry.
Thanks, JASTECH & Son
If I may ask some questions about YouTube?
I have to watch YT on my tv, how do I see just his videos & see them in order? I don't have YT account, I would need to use my dumb phone to sign up if that is needed? My Samsung Blu-Ray player for the tv has a hard drive and I been able to save videos, but can they be saved to a external HD? Might try to hook up external HD to my newer phablet. What say you-ins please? On subject, I like ELR, but need help with good primers. Won't hi-jack anymore, sorry.
Thanks, JASTECH & Son
No help from me. I type youtube into my computer and click on it. Thats as technical as I get. Sorry. Good primers? What for?
Mule, Looking for BR2 leaves me empty handed out this way. So thought CCI #200 real close to same and still nothing out this way. I wanting to load for .270 Win., 30-06 Spring, .338 Win.Mag for sticks and 10mm cap gun. 1k to 5k primers if they will work in all rifles. Any help appreciated, PM me as sometimes I can't seem to post via this dumb phone. Spent time in a ditch today after black ice disney ride to boot.
Thanks, JASTECH & Son
Mule, Looking for BR2 leaves me empty handed out this way. So thought CCI #200 real close to same and still nothing out this way. I wanting to load for .270 Win., 30-06 Spring, .338 Win.Mag for sticks and 10mm cap gun. 1k to 5k primers if they will work in all rifles. Any help appreciated, PM me as sometimes I can't seem to post via this dumb phone. Spent time in a ditch today after black ice disney ride to boot.
Thanks, JASTECH & Son
Same situation here, no BR2 around. The CCI 200 is what I use in their place. Very limited numbers of all others. No idea what would be good in a 10mm I use the WLP in my .45.
part 44 & part 45 are up. Watched them yesterday. Still waiting on the reloading and ballistic table making video
Mule, only .45 here is a Hornady Shell Plate #42 if memory serves me once again, lol. It's a odd .45 I think and nib, don't know why I even have it but need to start boxing up keeps and get rid of others to move after my wife finish's divorcing me & 6 yr. old. Let me know if you need it.
It's like listening to a rocket scientist, that was also trained as a sniper explian LR shooting. This guy is seems to be extremely intelligent. I am on part 37 of the series and have learned quite a bit of information. I do not plan on going past 1K, but lot of his information can still help even the 500 and in person.

I too am really hoping he gets the ballistic charts portions of the series up soon. Sort of like having strawberry short cake with no strawberries not having this video up and running, LOL>
I too enjoy Rex and his teachings. I will burn them all in high quality with my DVD/Blu-Ray burner in my hot rod computer. This way I can view them w/o streaming and may load them on MicroSD 64gb for anytime learing. I wonder if it would be smart to sell all but one rifle, inorder to have single rifle (.338 wm Stalker) set up for 1500 m , then load for deer to gizzy? Sorry for hijack, did'nt want to waist space with new thread.
I too enjoy Rex and his teachings. I will burn them all in high quality with my DVD/Blu-Ray burner in my hot rod computer. This way I can view them w/o streaming and may load them on MicroSD 64gb for anytime learing. I wonder if it would be smart to sell all but one rifle, inorder to have single rifle (.338 wm Stalker) set up for 1500 m , then load for deer to gizzy? Sorry for hijack, did'nt want to waist space with new thread.

I have contemplated this as well. I have thought to keep my .338 lapua and use it as my one and only gun. Positives to this are more exposure to shooting with it in all different conditions, more trigger time, no need to remember/make other ballistic charts, one round to reload for, less reloading and other equipment. The cons however are also lenghty, cost to reload, if something happens and it needs to go to the gunsmith I have nothing else, overkill for certain game, recoil. To me I like to have a back up gun just in case I need a new barrel, something happens to the scope or gun itself. Also, if one wants to shoot from 0-1500 yards from prairie dogs to elk you would need a large magnum rifle to fit this entire spectrum.
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