These are pretty good permanent fences. We get some supplies from the state and buy even more ourselves because I'm so anal about them. Probably close to $1,500 goes into each fence. We have about 15 fences in different areas. The entire fence IS electrified and usually keeps bears out unless the charger quits which occasionally happens. This is only the first or second time that a bear has gone through one that was working really well. Even with one of our more powerful chargers. Crazy. Anyway, surprisingly, we haven't seen this bear in several days after making 3 attacks 3 days in a row. Wondering if maybe someone shot him??? At any rate, there will be more in the future and I want to be more prepared. Thanks for the advise.
there is a way to electrify chain link fence, which again adds an extra layer of protection, as there are no way for a bear to slip thru between wires then,
and climbing over the fence means staying in contact with the juice, which deter's them a little more so
or again adding a second row of fence , like a fence inside a fence!
as the business of having bee's will be a never ending lure to them bears, so more layers of protection you have the better things will be down the road to less damages!
but yes, some bears are stubborn and learn how to defeat many things, bears are very smart animals, and learn as they attempt things and once they learn what worked, they never forget things
I have 40 yrs experience working with bears , the things I have seen some do is amazing still even to me!
and bears do rotate there patterns and food sources,
like anyone, no on wants to eat the same thing every day, so they move on after a few meals some times and then return again down the road, if the food stays there
so, odds are this bear will be back!
as again they have life time memories of where food is, and about anything they learned for that matter!
and they also follow each others scent trails, to learn new food sources, so when one comes often, it up's the odds others will too!
and bears have about the best noses in the woods, able to smell things from far far away!
again, best of luck to you!