Need some seasoned advice!

Yes, but explain the fact that every factory 700 SPS or higher priced model I have owned or shot has been capable of 1/2 MOA or better? Out of all the millions of 700's produced, do you think it is more common that more shoot better than poor? If all factory 700's were junk shooters do you really think they'd still be around and selling like they are, starting way back in 1962.

Granted, Remington does have some econo rifles that won't group to save its life, for example the 710...I have shot many and most are lucky to shoot a 3" group @ 100 yards. The last one I shot wouldn't shoot a 5" group with me behind the trigger, which, not bragging or being cocky, but that tells you the rifle won't shoot.

So don't think I'm all pro Remington and that they crap gold nuggets crusted in jewels. I know they have problems like every other company does. I've seen Remingtons, Savages, Howas, Weatherbys, and even Brownings that wouldn't shoot. No company is infalible or perfect 100% of the time.
Remington is responsible for the design and execution of the receiver. When their good design is combined with crap execution which then requires you to pay hundreds of extra $ to true your action and you to get into a several month long queue to get it done, that is Remingtons fault. When the lack of a common standard for what constitutes a "trued" Remington receiver results in the complete absence of Remington prefit barrels, that may not directly be Remingtons fault, but it is the fault of the collective cottage industry that surrounds this product.

If you search for my previous postings, I have already had it out regarding the barrel provider. I'm sure the moderators don't appreciate vendor bashing in every thread on this board.

I'm perfectly OK with anyone who wants to go the Remington route, but I want to be clear that financially there is no question that the Savage system is more affordable while not giving up anything in the way of function. And to a large extent, a lot of waiting on gunsmiths is not needed. Popular caliber barrels can be bought at Midway or Brownells. Specials you are going to have to wait for, but all you are waiting for is the barrel maker.

First off if you mean the actual machining of the metal reciever as the "execution" of it then correct...Rem designs and machines the recievers. They done have so called "crap" machining..they have tolerances that are as wide as a mile...and for someone wanting tighter...they normally go to seperate machine location...BUT...there are men right on this BB selling "tuned up" Rem 700 receivers for a very good price. I know because I have bought some. That 4 month waiting line is total BS because if their shops were that busy someone else would be doing the grunt work while they lay on a warm sunny beach,

Your problem with Rem is that you want it your way..period....and if something isnt just like you want whine and want someone to stand by at attention till you decide what you want.

It dont work that way Bunkie....and there is more than one gunsmith in the uSA and your your guy right down the street doesnt satisfy you then fine another!

Do you want a rifle...or something affordable?

The best thing a person can do with those "pre-fit" barrels is drive them in the dirt to tie my bird dogs to when Im in the field.
Ladies ladies, your all pretty. LOL. But seriously, back to my original post. I think I have decided to go with a Vortex Crossfire II 4-12x40. Im hunting whitetails and will have a max of probably 500 yards. Im getting the BDC reticle as well. I was really hoping for a mil-dot, but other than the bushnell banner idk if there is anything out there in my price range that isn't junk. Any input on the vortex scopes, or the banner for that matter? Will 4-12 be good enough for 500 yards?
4-12 should be fine. I've always preferred a little more magnification on the high-end, but you can more than make do with a 12x @ 500 yards.
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