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Need some advise from you guys on a new build.

What barrel length would you recommend?

I was reading about a 6.5 wsm and using norma 270 wsm brass. I guess I should read about barrel lengths here in Utah and see if there are any legal issues I need to be aware of.
So Jim at Northland said he has 3 varmit actions that have a detachable magazine. What do you guys think of a repeater long range pistol. He was saying that Neal should be able to make a stock that will hold the magazine. If I go with a 6.5x284 would you go with a short action or a long?

Thanks again for all your help. Things are starting to come together and I really appreciate your feedback.

Thanks again for all your input it is greatly appreciated! I have read quite a few of your posts and others and I'm a little concerned with dealing with a rifle scope and recoil. I am 5'8" and a 140# but I'm fit and strong. This is what I don't want. I don't want a rig that I'm scared to shoot or that is painful to shoot. I'm thinking of a rear grip and a rifle scope since my arms are shorter and it is a more flexible platform, however, I am concerned because of a long action and the weight of a magazine in the rear. Have you shot a pistol like this before? What is the wrist abuse that we are talking about here with say a 6.5 x 284 and a 17-18 inch braked solid barrel (no flutes)?
If you get a good brake, you will be so amazed, that once you get used to it, you will likely end up seeing a full FOV or close to it on 20x or higher.
Part of it of course is much is the overall weight.
When my son was 9 or 10 (can't remember now:confused:) he was shooting a lightweight 260 rem MOA maximum (LER scope though).
For the last two or three years he shoots every SP I have, and the majority of them have rifle scopes on them (Now 14 years old)-including the 7mm Dakota XP, and that was before Holland had made the new Radial Brake that is now on it. Kirby's New PK brake should be along the same lines as Holland's, but I just haven't had one for comparison, but there is good info out there on how effective they are on rifles.
Your wrists will likely take less abuse with your 6.5-284 than they do with light load 38 Specials in a model 66 or 686 S&W revolver.
Fear is a normal thing first time on in this area.
Just give yourself all kinds of room on your first shot, and then, after that-it wil be a cake walk in the concern about your wrists/face being hurt.
Recoil will be different depending on the type of grip and surface you are shooting off of.

I shoot both rear and center-grip SP's.
Just ordered the action and barrel. Went with a right bolt left port target savage action and a mcgowen 6.5x284 lapua savage varmit taper barrel at 17.5". I sent Neal an email about a stock. I will have the barrel in 3 weeks and the action should be here next week. I wonder how long it will take to get my hands on a stock from Neal? Anyhow I'm excited and can't wait. Thanks for all your help.
I think u've made a good choice. The 6.5-284 will be OK for elk and great for the smaller big game. I used 1 for several years and made 1 kill beyond 400 yds. using the 129 gr. SST bullet.

I'm always at odds with myself on which optic to get for these long-range SPs. I've always liked the 3-12x Burris for what it offers in it's size. But it is tuff to shoot from prone positions with a center grip stock off a bipod--something u may be doing a lot of if u're in shape and a walking/backpacking hunter. I have used it for tgts. beyond 1000 yds. tho. The secret to using this optic is to mount it as far forward as u can on a Ken Farrell base, and milling another slot thru the base for the rear ring. The Farrell allows for the furthest forward mounting base that i've seen so far. Mine's on a 7-270 WSM XP-100 that Kirby Allen built for me. This is the only pistol i use the 3-12x on now tho., as i have also switched to riflescopes on my other SP's, and if i can handle riflescopes on SP's, i'm sure u can too (I'm 5.5" tall and all of 130 lbs. wet).
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