Need Recommendations for 300 PRC Build

Thank you, sir. I will have to look into that caliber since I am not familiar with it at all. So I can shoot my factory 300 PRC ammo out of it to fire form the brass? Is H1000 a good powder for it?
Yes you can fire factory ammo out of it with very good accuracy. That's what a lot of people do for fireform.
Yes h1000 will work fine but if you want some more speed Try rl33.
I plan on loading the hammer hunters once break in is done. Something around the 214-230 weight.
Yes you can fire factory ammo out of it with very good accuracy. That's what a lot of people do for fireform.
Yes h1000 will work fine but if you want some more speed Try rl33.
I plan on loading the hammer hunters once break in is done. Something around the 214-230 weight.
ADG just announced they shipped 300PRC brass to vendors today.

What the pros use gun smith.
list a lot of people that you could use.

also I built a 300 prc with similar of the above stuff you have. H1000 & rl 26 shot Good but find some N570. more velocity and great accuracy.
im pushing a 215 3060 and I had room to go with powder. No pressure signs at all. I just stopped because it shot so dang good, so why push it. My Sd was 6.
25 inch barrel

go ahead and do you self a favor and back order lapua brass for the 300 prc.
What the pros use gun smith.
list a lot of people that you could use.

also I built a 300 prc with similar of the above stuff you have. H1000 & rl 26 shot Good but find some N570. more velocity and great accuracy.
im pushing a 215 3060 and I had room to go with powder. No pressure signs at all. I just stopped because it shot so dang good, so why push it. My Sd was 6.
25 inch barrel

go ahead and do you self a favor and back order lapua brass for the 300 prc.
I used N570 in my 28 Nosler and loved it! Fast and clean burning. Powder Valley had it the other day and I didn't get any because I have the 8lb of H1000. That was another brilliant move........

Speaking of who the pros use, I thought of asking Wade Studeville if he would consider this build. I got a 6BR chambered by him with an Impact action from Tate and that thing will drive nails. Of course it weighs 22 pounds!
I used N570 in my 28 Nosler and loved it! Fast and clean burning. Powder Valley had it the other day and I didn't get any because I have the 8lb of H1000. That was another brilliant move........

Speaking of who the pros use, I thought of asking Wade Studeville if he would consider this build. I got a 6BR chambered by him with an Impact action from Tate and that thing will drive nails. Of course it weighs 22 pounds!
From what I understand from Studevilla he will only build on an impact action. But maybe I misread it some where.

are you going with a custom reamer or are you going to use the reamer that a smith has

i will say he is one of the smith on what I've read is really good.
From what I understand from Studevilla he will only build on an impact action. But maybe I misread it some where.

are you going with a custom reamer or are you going to use the reamer that a smith has

i will say he is one of the smith on what I've read is really good.
You can use those fellas mentioned and have long waits and end up with a good rifle. Call Shawn Broussard at Titan Precision Rifles in Louisiana. He's built several World Record F Class record holding rifles. Dudes nuts about details and will have it back to you quick. +1 (337) 303-7215. He does not advertise.
From what I understand from Studevilla he will only build on an impact action. But maybe I misread it some where.

are you going with a custom reamer or are you going to use the reamer that a smith has

i will say he is one of the smith on what I've read is really good.
I hadn't really thought about the reamer. Did you use a standard SAAMI size?
I hadn't really thought about the reamer. Did you use a standard SAAMI size?
I got a JGS reamer with a 200 th freebore. Really nice set up for 215 Berger Fits in a 3.7 mag really nice. with approx 25 thousand jump to lands.
if you are going to go heavier in bullets weights id go with Sami reamer.

either way if you are going to put alo of money into a gun I'd personally figure out what bullets you are going to shoot and figure out jump to lands and all that. if you go with a Sammi spec reamer which is approx 238 ish Freebore.
i Like a new reamer personally. new reamer, new cut, which will be very clean.
what is a couple hundred bucks for a new reamer if you going to dump 4 k into a rifle.

also 200 freebore is really nice for accubond 180-200 gr. Minima jump to the lands with clip space 3.7.


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