Kimber montana 300 prc build

Any report? Mine hates both factory ammos and will not shoot 215 Bergers no matter what I do. I have never not been able to get a Berger to shoot. Moving on to 225s, 212s, and 208s.
Hmmmm? My Improved version, which is now called, 30 Sherman Magnum, shoots both bullets very well.
Even when fire forming the prc in my chamber.
Ok the first time at the range I shot the factory Hornady 225gr ELD-M and handholds with R26, 210 Bergers and 230gr Lapua ScenarL and the scenars shot at 1/2" but the other staff was at 3/4" to 1" so I was a little disappointed.

After a good cleaning with Carb-Out and Wipe-Out it shot much better this time out.
Seems like Hornady's cartridge is performing as advertised !!

1st group of Factory 225gr ELDM

Next up was 212 ELD-X with 76grs of R26, Fed 215M primers and 20 thou off the lands,

210 Berger VLD Hunting with 76grs of R26,Fed 215M and 20 thou off the lands

225gr ELD-M 76.5grs of R26 Fed 215M and 30 thou off the lands.
Ok the first time at the range I shot the factory Hornady 225gr ELD-M and handholds with R26, 210 Bergers and 230gr Lapua ScenarL and the scenars shot at 1/2" but the other staff was at 3/4" to 1" so I was a little disappointed.

After a good cleaning with Carb-Out and Wipe-Out it shot much better this time out.
Seems like Hornady's cartridge is performing as advertised !!

1st group of Factory 225gr ELD

Next up was 212 ELD-X with 76grs of R26, Fed 215M primers and 20 thou off the lands,

210 Berger VLD Hunting with 76grs of R26,Fed 215M and 20 thou off the lands

225gr ELD-M 76.5grs of R26 Fed 215M and 30 thou off the lands.
Its good to see your results. Good looking rifle too. I've always liked the Kimber platform. That cartridge sure appears to be an inherent shooter. I have this similar rifle in 30 Nosler using #4 Brux barrel. It too performs similar. Good shooting!
Its good to see your results. Good looking rifle too. I've always liked the Kimber platform. That cartridge sure appears to be an inherent shooter. I have this similar rifle in 30 Nosler using #4 Brux barrel. It too performs similar. Good shooting!
Do you think they'll come out with a 7MM PRC? Or did they already.
Any updates? What load did you stick with?

My nephew now has that rifle and is shooting the factory 225 ELD-M

I built another one on a Kimber Montana 8400 with a 26" #4 Fluted Benchmark 1-9.5 twist
I'm off to the range ASAP so I'll post up my findings
I'm going to try R26 and H1000 to see which it likes with 225 eldm, 230gr A-Tips
Really curious how your loads turn out. I have a version of an improved prc that i built before the prc came out. I bought a magnestospeed today a tried it out.

With N570 im am pushing the 225s at 2952ave out of 12 shoots with a es of 11fps. This is with a 25" barrel.
Heres a picture of the latest 300 PRC, built on a Kimber Montana 8400, 26" #4 contour 1-9.5 twist Benchmark barrel.

I got to the range the last couple of days and tried some Berger 245gr EOL/ R33/Fed215M/ 3.720"coal, also loaded some 230gr Tips with the same loads, accuracy wasn't the greatest with the 245s but velocity was surprising as well as a very low ES with both bullets, not much of a difference in velocity between the two bullets, I removed the brake for these shots as the Labradar doesn't like the side port brake !!!

Weatherby Fan, was that Hornady brass you used with the 230 Atip and 245 Berger? I've got a 300 PRC I am getting ready to load for and like the data you got with the 245. Trying to decide if I should purcahse some ADG or just use the 1x fired brass I have from shooting the factory loads.

Regards, Branden
Weatherby Fan, was that Hornady brass you used with the 230 Atip and 245 Berger? I've got a 300 PRC I am getting ready to load for and like the data you got with the 245. Trying to decide if I should purcahse some ADG or just use the 1x fired brass I have from shooting the factory loads.

Regards, Branden

Hey Branden, yes its Hornady Brass, some of it is on its 4th and 5th firing with no issues, I did order a few hundred pieces of ADG brass but being in Canada may not see it for a cpl more months, at least with the delay it will give me time to arrange a second mortgage on my house to pay for it !
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