Kimber montana 300 prc build

Are you going to keep testing the 245 and 230? Since the ES is so low I would assume you might test seating depth now to try and tighten it up some.

Regards, Branden
I was thinking of ordering adg brass as well but ive had great results with blowing out 300 win mag brass for my improved prc. Has great capacity and lasts a lot of reloads, and easy to source brass thats affordable
Beautiful build! I have an 84M that I'd like to build, I'm assuming that your smith is there in Canada, making my use of him from the US rather convoluted... So. Can you tell me how he modified the stock to fit the much larger barrel?
Heres a picture of the latest 300 PRC, built on a Kimber Montana 8400, 26" #4 contour 1-9.5 twist Benchmark barrel.

I got to the range the last couple of days and tried some Berger 245gr EOL/ R33/Fed215M/ 3.720"coal, also loaded some 230gr Tips with the same loads, accuracy wasn't the greatest with the 245s but velocity was surprising as well as a very low ES with both bullets, not much of a difference in velocity between the two bullets, I removed the brake for these shots as the Labradar doesn't like the side port brake !!!

Any over pressure signs? How were the primer pockets next reload?
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