Need help with non-lead solid copper bullets

I have talked to both of you guys on the phone. Both good guys. It will be fine.

I know. Rich is a great guy.

I believe he just got started down the wrong road after miss reading and could not back off.

Pride can do so much damage. I know I'm being overly prideful. Even though I know it is the better thing to do, sometimes it's harder to let things pass than it should be. If it were always easy it would never happen.
I have been very pleased with the 175 grain LRX out of a 300WSM. The bullet has expanded reliably out to 364m on a chamois (little antelope) and performed great on red deer, sambar and Himalayan Tahr.

The accuracy has been impressive despite the fact that the weight of the bullets isnt as consistent as bergers.
The accuracy has been impressive despite the fact that the weight of the bullets isnt as consistent as bergers.
I get similar results. Stopped weighing Barnes. There is a video of the factory and swagging line. Very impressive. When you see the video you will understand the weight variance.

Yet they are still very accurate.

Lots of the ELR shooters are switching to machine turned bullets. I've seen some pretty incredible stuff from them. Now to get Steve @RockyMtnMT to make me pointy non-expanding target only bullets.....
I get similar results. Stopped weighing Barnes. There is a video of the factory and swagging line. Very impressive. When you see the video you will understand the weight variance.

Yet they are still very accurate.

Lots of the ELR shooters are switching to machine turned bullets. I've seen some pretty incredible stuff from them. Now to get Steve @RockyMtnMT to make me pointy non-expanding target only bullets.....
Copper is ordered to make those big pointy bullets.

Has anyone tried Maker Bullets? Have heard good things about them for subsonic use but not heard anthing for long range.
I guess we all do what works for us! My grandfather and seven aunts and uncles all lived to be 95-100. They just spit out the bullets and went to their safe rooms for an hour or so until they recovered sufficently.

People also use to cook with lead pans. Doesn't mean its the safest thing to do.
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