Need help with non-lead solid copper bullets

I suspect there are a lot more "respected members" that see through the attitude you call "Kommiefornia"! I rest my case! Do you seriously believe that shooing an animal with a lead bullet will hurt your family!!! Or is it really more about raptors?
Amazing how fast you descend into personal insults when you perceive someone disagreeing. I thought you were bigger than that.

Is it possible you failed to read the entire post?
Are you still recovering?? I never mentioned having a problem using copper bullets at all! Neither do I think anyone should INTENTIONALLY eat lead. You're so wrapped up in your foolishness and political correctness that you can't or won't accept the real issue. I'm done waisting time on this thread but if you want to call me I am sending a p m with my phone number right now
I am a Berger cultist. Pretty much shoot only Bergers (after trying most everything else.)

However, my wife and kids refuse to eat meat shot with lead bullets.

So, I'm switching to solid copper bullets for hunting.

I shoot 300 Win Mag for elk, and 6.5 Creedmoore for deer. Currently using Berger's 230 grain high BC 30 caliber bullet and Berger's 140 grain high BC elite hunter for the 6.5.

I know very little about copper solid bullets.

So far, lots of Googling and reading has led me to the following companies:

Cutting Edge
Flatline (Warner Tool)

Accuracy is important to me. I'm used to 1/2 or less MOA when shooting my Bergers.
I've also been spoiled by Berger's high BC bullets, so a good ballistics coefficient is important as well.

Anyone have some recommendations/comparisons based on actual use of these (or other) bullets?

Thanks in advance.
Not telling you what to do, just relaying my results. Be very careful with the Barnes. I have had a few train wrecks with them in my 300 Win Mag. The bullets I have pulled out of a few critters have not expanded at all. I agree 100% with what the guys are saying about Hammer bullets. Have not tried them yet but have talked to them & they are great guys. I will be trying them in the 2018 season.
Thanks, Kirk
Are you still recovering?? I never mentioned having a problem using copper bullets at all! Neither do I think anyone should INTENTIONALLY eat lead. You're so wrapped up in your foolishness and political correctness that you can't or won't accept the real issue. I'm done waisting time on this thread but if you want to call me I am sending a p m with my phone number right now
Is that what you think it is? "Political correctness". You don't know me.

So you've added to the attacks by calling me "foolish" in public. Again, you don't know me.

I'm not lead free to be "politically correct", you made that up so you could keep justifying your personal attacks.
I'll throw my .02 cents in here. As I do live in CA, we will be forced to use non-lead for all hunting coming up in 2019. That said, i've been using Barnes pretty much exclusively for many years since the TSX and TTSX came out. Simply stated, I'm very happy with them. My wife and I have well over animals collected with the those bullets and the bullet performance has been consistent and deadly on everything from 50 lb pigs up to near thousand pound elk and kudo.

Accuracy wise, sub-.5 MOA is a very reasonable expectation and we regularly exceed that with our rifles. Nearly all of our animals have been taken with either the 7mm 168 LRX, the .30 cal 180 TTSX, and the .338 225 TTSX. Longest kill shot to date has been 520 yards and the bullet performance was outstanding.

We also routinely shoot these bullets at extended ranges killing LOTS of rocks and we have found them to be very consistent.
I was soured on monolithic bullets pretty early on. No expansion = sadness.

Went back to partitions, and then accubonds when they came available.

Recently I have been shooting almost exclusively on agricultural land (as in crops are grown in the dirt my bullets rest). I was thinking it might be time to give 'non toxic' another try.

I'm most impressed with the Peregine Monolithics design and I'm looking forward to giving them a 'shot' in the new year.
Oops. 208 755-6723
If you plan on treating me on the phone like you are treating me in this thread then I have no reason to call you.

You are making personal attacks and being insulting.

It is quite obvious that you didn't read my first post in this thread.

The use of lead free bullets is my choice. Made long before "political correctness" was even common terminology.

The fact that as a native Californian I have to stand by and watch the destruction of my state, revocation of rights assured by the constitution, useless laws and one of the most expensive governments in the world does not make me happy about how California is governed or our stupid laws like the lead ban. I as a native have the right to call it Kommiefornia.
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