Need a Wyoming safety net.

I am amazed by all the responses I recieved, I had hoped that I could meet or talk to everyone on my list while I was out there hunting. Unfortunately my family has pressured me into giving up hunting in wyoming this year! My progress since the stroke has me doing a lot of the things I did before, however my wife and two of my sons have talked me out of the long drive.
I have been preparing for this trip since I hit the send button on the applications. I woke up on Oct 1, my 70th birthday and was depressed that I missed my first hunting opener in 55 years of hunting!
For t hoseofof youii that are still hunting I wish each and everyone of you theibest of luck on your hunts.
Thank you all,
Randy Latvala (mnbogboy)
Unfortunately my family has pressured me into giving up hunting in wyoming this year!
Well...goes to show that some are looking out for themselves.....more than you.....
I lost my Dad in 83' at 54 years of age.......if I had the chance to drag my Dads 'but_' out the door for another hunting trip for which he already had a tag and can bet we'd be driving.......
It also shows many families and members don't have the Passion for it you do,I'm Sorry you couldn't make it,plan for next year and find a Rock solid partner,keep your chin up ,regards and Cheers 😉.
Well...goes to show that some are looking out for themselves.....more than you.....
I lost my Dad in 83' at 54 years of age.......if I had the chance to drag my Dads 'but_' out the door for another hunting trip for which he already had a tag and can bet we'd be driving.......
My son's were concerned t hat without tags t hey would be wasting their time and lose wages.
Also dad left us 2 years ago my lifelong hunting partner, he was 92 and had killed his last whitetail buck at age 81? That year he also narrowed a nice the last 15 years nmy boys have always accompanied me on my western trips. There is nothing like family when we get together. Last year i made a solo pronghorn hunt and two eeeks later i drove out a second time and met my two sons and two grandsons at the campground.

Very sorry to hear that you're not going to make your hunt! As disappointing as it is, your family is thinking of you. A shame that you don't have a traveling partner to have helped you out. Hopefully your health and strength continues to improve and you can come visit us next year!

Good Luck and We'll keep the light on for ya! memtb
Randy, I was hoping to see your truck while I was out hunting this year. A stroke can take a lot out of you. Keep up on the recovery and hope to hear you're back out next year. Are you still hunting whitetail in MN? If so good luck to you.
Thank you allforthereplies and I wish you All the best of luck in your hunts thisfall. I will be doingalittle archery hunting in Wisconsin as well as my annual Minnesota andwisconsinriflehunts.
As my bucket list grows I am hoping for my best in each state.
I will make plans with my sons for next years elk hunt in wyoming.
I'm getting too old to give up my lifelong passion for the outdoors.
Randy, I was hoping to see your truck while I was out hunting this year. A stroke can take a lot out of you. Keep up on the recovery and hope to hear you're back out next year. Are you still hunting whitetail in MN? If so good luck to you.
I am sorry we will not be getting together in Ten Sleep. Maybe next year!

I turned 71 in August and I will there till I tag out!!!
Hi Stan hope your hunt is going well,
Attached is a picture of my homemade camper that I told you about. I would like to hear your report on the elk situation before I apply in January for next years hunt.
Best of luck to you and have a safe trip home.,


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Randy, I was hoping to see your truck while I was out hunting this year. A stroke can take a lot out of you. Keep up on the recovery and hope to hear you're back out next year. Are you still hunting whitetail in MN? If so good luck to you.
Hello ole red,
I will attach a photo of my pickup and homemade camper, the one you were watching out for.
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