Need a Wyoming safety net.

I wish I could help you out, but I am restricted to Saturdays only due to my job. My youngest son got a nice pronghorn in area 22 several years ago. Best of luck to you sir.
Thanks ol' red, this will be my 4rth trip to A22. I watched a youngster shoot a buck there in 2015 & 2016 I did ok there in 2015 & 16 myself finding 2 average bucks. My 2018 trip ended in disaster as i totaled my silverado when I squashed a big uley 4x4! Part of my wife's worries are the results of that adventure. I definitely would have needed some moral support on that trip. I got pretty shook up, did some emergency repairs in the middle of the night. Slept two hours and drove straight home. I didn't get hurt other than my ego. The insurance company paid me almost as much for the truck as i paid for it 3 years earlier. My homemade camper had a lot of blood sweat and tears invested.
I replaced the old truck with a newer model and it too swears a home built camper. (Shortbox chev). Bad part about hitting the deer I was only 10 miles short of my final destination and was unable to hunt at all in Wyoming that year.2006 was my first Wyoming trip. Love my antelope hunting as much as my whitetail hunting in mn & wi.
Thanks ol' red, this will be my 4rth trip to A22. I watched a youngster shoot a buck there in 2015 & 2016 I did ok there in 2015 & 16 myself finding 2 average bucks. My 2018 trip ended in disaster as i totaled my silverado when I squashed a big uley 4x4! Part of my wife's worries are the results of that adventure. I definitely would have needed some moral support on that trip. I got pretty shook up, did some emergency repairs in the middle of the night. Slept two hours and drove straight home. I didn't get hurt other than my ego. The insurance company paid me almost as much for the truck as i paid for it 3 years earlier. My homemade camper had a lot of blood sweat and tears invested.
I replaced the old truck with a newer model and it too swears a home built camper. (Shortbox chev). Bad part about hitting the deer I was only 10 miles short of my final destination and was unable to hunt at all in Wyoming that year.2006 was my first Wyoming trip. Love my antelope hunting as much as my whitetail hunting in mn & wi.
I will be hunting in the Buffalo and Bighorns area on Saturdays in October. My youngest daughter will be hunting deer with me this year. If I see a short box Chevy with a white camper and MN plates, I will stop and see how you are doing. I do wish I could be of more assistance. Again, good luck to you.
I will be hunting in the Buffalo and Bighorns area on Saturdays in October. My youngest daughter will be hunting deer with me this year. If I see a short box Chevy with a white camper and MN plates, I will stop and see how you are doing. I do wish I could be of more assistance. Again, good luck to you.
Thanks for your concern Old Red,
Will you be antelope hunting in 22?
Thanks for your concern Old Red,
Will you be antelope hunting in 22?
I will not this year. When I heard they were cutting back on the number of pronghorn tags this year , I decided to let someone else have a chance. But in 2022 I will probably be hunting pronghorn if I draw a tag.
20210729_115902.jpgI am hooking this on my 12 year this year. I'm allergic to wasps. Would like him to have plan b if I kick it in the field.

This let's you text via satellite. Cost $200 on ebay. 12$ a month for unlimited number of predetermined texts. Custom on the spot texts are like 20 and $.25 after that.

The predetermined text like "I made it" you load into the app ahead of time.

SoS features for when you have a stroke. our vehicles feature gets you a tow truck if you subscribe for 30 a year. (I'll just text someone)

Sends tracking updates. Your family can log in I believe and c where you at.

10 day battery life.
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