Need a Wyoming safety net.

After suffering a major stroke in January, I'm now 6 months into recovery and making plans for my annualvwyoming pronghorn and mule deer hunts.
My wife is especially nervous that i will be going solo and doesn't need the extra stress after what she's been going through to keep me healthy and alive. My recovery has gone well and i am not restricted or handicappef in any way.
My question here is will any lrh members be in the areas I will be hunting? Without divulging my spots I won't mention them until we PM.
THE ANTELOPE AREA IS just east of buffalo near the powder river6and I will be deer hunting near ten sleep.
Pm me with any responses, I've hunted both areas in the past and can exchange info if anyone has quedtions.
The peace of mind for my wife will be well worth it for me. Both areas have had decent cell service in the past. Having contact with anyone if i have any troubles could be a God send which works both ways.
Thanks for looking and I will check for pms.
After suffering a major stroke in January, I'm now 6 months into recovery and making plans for my annualvwyoming pronghorn and mule deer hunts.
My wife is especially nervous that i will be going solo and doesn't need the extra stress after what she's been going through to keep me healthy and alive. My recovery has gone well and i am not restricted or handicappef in any way.
My question here is will any lrh members be in the areas I will be hunting? Without divulging my spots I won't mention them until we PM.
THE ANTELOPE AREA IS just east of buffalo near the powder river6and I will be deer hunting near ten sleep.
Pm me with any responses, I've hunted both areas in the past and can exchange info if anyone has quedtions.
The peace of mind for my wife will be well worth it for me. Both areas have had decent cell service in the past. Having contact with anyone if i have any troubles could be a God send which works both ways.
Thanks for looking and I will check for pms.
I live in Buffalo if you get in a situation I could help
I live in Buffalo if you get in a situation I could help
Thanks shooter, i certainly will be making a trip or two through buffalo during my trip. Hopefully I will have a meal or two there also.
I certainly appreciate the offer but i will need a phone number if you care to give it OUT PM me.
Call or text me at 320-three three 3-5ninezero1
I may be able to help on your Wyoming hunt.
Thanks shiverleaf,
Are by any chance you hunting either of my areas? A22 or deer "M".
I see by your profile you are from central MN. where abouts?i m up in Hibbing. Send a pm if you can.
I have a deer tag for R and a cow tag in Ten Sleep. I will be arriving in Ten Sleep August 10. Let me know if I can assist.
Thanks for the reply Stan,
I probably won't get to ten sleep until around Oct 1, i plan on doing the antelope hunt first (again Oct 1) on the other side of the big horns. If i score I will butcher & freeze it before I come over for the deer hunt.
Latest I would get to the campground might be Oct 2 or 3
I can run my freezer of the campground power to get the meat froze good before I venture off to look for the deer. Once i establish another camp the frozen meat will stay cold.
You won't miss me, i have a dark blue silverado with a handmade cabover camper (white).
Cell 218929-6013.
Randy (mnbogboy)
Thanks shooter, i certainly will be making a trip or two through buffalo during my trip. Hopefully I will have a meal or two there also.
I certainly appreciate the offer but i will need a phone number if you care to give it OUT PM me.
I don't know how you pm here but these guys can't be worse than the car warranty calls I get . Not sure what kind of safety net you want. I probably wouldn't have time to go hunting with you but might be able to help pack out and definitely would do what I could if you had health issues out here.
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Up near the top header line there is the alert bell, right next to it is the pm box shaped like an envelope.
Click on that letter shaped icon and you have the option to start a new conversation. Fill in the blanks with a username (ie; mnbogboy) and anyone else you care that sees it.
Like an email, fill in your message and down below it all is a start conversation box to send it. The PM box gets a little red dphicky like the alert bell when you have a PM.
On a little brighter note, i made a friend request on Facebook today to an aquaintence that lives in ten sleep. He is already a Facebook friend of 3 of my sons. I knew his dad very well and have sat in the bar with he and his brother many times.
A great guy from what I remember and I hope he will fit easily into my "safety net" as many of you have expressed.
It's a great feeling seeing the responses on here. As i relay this to my wife she worries thinking I'm in contact with a Craigslist killer. Lol
Also a member on another forum has offered to come with for the drive and share expenses of which I would never let him.
Again thanks to all for the responses and your kindness is appreciated very much.
On a little brighter note, i made a friend request on Facebook today to an aquaintence that lives in ten sleep. He is already a Facebook friend of 3 of my sons. I knew his dad very well and have sat in the bar with he and his brother many times.
A great guy from what I remember and I hope he will fit easily into my "safety net" as many of you have expressed.
It's a great feeling seeing the responses on here. As i relay this to my wife she worries thinking I'm in contact with a Craigslist killer. Lol
Did you tell her you were planning on being armed for this trip? lol
I don't know how you pm here but these guys can't be worse than the car warranty calls I get 3076705223. Not sure what kind of safety net you want. I probably wouldn't have time to go hunting with you but might be able to help pack out and definitely would do what I could if you had health issues out here.

Shooter348, I think that you have a minimum number of posts......before you can pm. A system which "sucks" for newcomers! :mad: memtb
So sorry this system has that requirement, i didn't know how to get my mps until just lately also took about 15 uears to figure it out!
To recieved 2 unidentified calls this morning. One from ca one from wyoming. My voice mail is inactive so texts would be best. Thanks
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