My worst Hunt ever!!!

If we as a country ever have to hunt to subsist, all the game will be gone. In a heart beat.
How about "supplement". It does take up freezer space and the family does eat it.

The point is it has become a very expensive recreational "activity" that is slowly eroding away from being doable as it once was in the past years.

And, as far as folks wiping out the game and etc? I doubt it since most don't have the skills necessary to survive and would starve to death.

This officially ends my rant. lol.
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How about "supplement". It does take up freezer space and the family does eat it.

The point is it has become a very expensive recreational "activity" that is slowly eroding away from being doable as it once was in the past years.

And, as far as folks wiping out the game and etc? I doubt it since most don't have the skills necessary to survive and would starve to death.

This officially ends my rant. lol.
Power grid gone at same time I suspect.

Expense to opportunity ratio way out of balance for sure.

I remember guys from my neighborhood coming home like this for inspiration. What would inspire a youngster these days.
Okay. I've been thinking a lot about this since I got back from the muzzleloader hunt.
And what I can gather in my simple mind is this.
Hunters are the suckers that fund all of the wildlife habitat but receive the least of it's benefits.
How many ranchers pay over 3 million dollars for grazing rite's?
How many hikers, bicyclists,and the like pay taxes for wildlife?
Why is it in the state of Utah the average hunter has less Access to the wildlife that their are paying for then the rich person that can afford a 10,000.00 guided hunt on public property*?
And few of the those grazing Sheep are Americans!
If we as a country ever have to hunt to subsist, all the game will be gone. In a heart beat.
That's why I grow some vegetables during the summer and freeze what I can. I thought I'd never do that after the long days in the garden growing up but apparently pop knew what he was doing in showing us how to live without having to buy from the grocery store.
Just came back from the general muzzleloader deer hunt in kamas Utah.
This should haven't even been scheduled!!!
Every where I went was the forest service cutting down timber controlled burns road closers. Add on top every rancher gathering live stock down to the hwy .
Plus every trail ran into bicyclists and hickers, looking at me like I'm some sort of threat to them because of my muzzleloader!!
6 days never seen a track fresher than 3 weeks.
I should have just brought a 20 gage for grouse.
Saturday night had someone hit a cow next to camp.
That's a moo cow not a smart cow.
I wanted to get the cow but thought they would give it to charity.
Next morning drove up the kamas highway and seen 2 more dead cows and 2 deer laying to waste from vehicle accidents.
I think I'm done hunting general in UT.
Sounds like the new Colorado. I think it's everywhere!!! They always seemnto control burn right during season. Then I've seen them logging in the middle of seasons no stopping right where the elk winter on one of there favorite ridges it gets old
Sorry thought I already responded to this post?
Oh well, your not wrong
I remember back in the 70's
People fleeing it to California for jobs. Now it's their brain dead communist's children trying to replace the western people.
I say (F@@k Y$$!!!!)
Haha! As a fellow Northern Californian you're not wrong. It blows my mind how many people have fled this state for out of state hunting. I blame social media for that in recent years. But it seems Idaho Utah and Montana got hit the hardest by it. I hope for you out of state guys that live there that you get some of the VERY few legit good old boy hunters from here but unfortunately it's becoming more rare. My outlook is if you hunt a different state respect there outlook on a way of life and hunting ethics. When it comes down to it we are a visitor to your beautiful state. Respect the people and the land and leave a clean area when we leave. Pretty simple.

Anyone calling themselves a prepper/survivalist that thinks that they can feed themselves or family by hunting……is extremely delusional. Within a short period of time there will be no animals, deer/elk/cows/horses/ nothing to be had! memtb
I've explained that to several people by telling them about the Great Depression and how few wild animals were left after ten years of little hope and trying to "live off the land."
I've explained that to several people by telling them about the Great Depression and how few wild animals were left after ten years of little hope and trying to "live off the land."

This!!! But, no one wants to believe that it will happen……almost overnight! A few hundred million hungry people, will kill any and everything to survive…..even their neighbors! memtb
This!!! But, no one wants to believe that it will happen……almost overnight! A few hundred million hungry people, will kill any and everything to survive…..even their neighbors! memtb
Look at Venezuela or other socialist countries to see what it would be like. If you belive the farmers and ranchers are the problem.....stop eating....that will show them who is in charge.