First deer rifle I ever had was a never issued 1903A3 Springfield. I worked all summer mowing yards, working in my grandfathers tobacco patch, putting up hay and any other odd jobs I could make a dime at to come up with the $40.00 it cost at a local store. That thing would shoot but it would beat me to death as a 100 lb soaking wet 13 year old kid. I drug it through the mountains of TN for about 6 years deer hunting and never even saw a deer to shoot. They were few and far between back then. Killed a lot of ground hogs and wild dogs with it though. Had a cousin that was in the national guard and every month when we went to guard he brought me a 250 round can of ammo. The black tip AP stuff. It was really accurate in that rifle. I really learned how to shoot long range killing ground hogs with that old rifle and it's open sights. At age 17 I sold that rifle like a fool and bought a Marlin 336 in 30-30 Win and that is what I killed my first deer with using a Rem 150 gr HP and open sights.