Muzzle brakes...


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2019
I need recommendations on a new brake.
I have some of the best in the business as far as less felt recoil but I can't handle the blowback/concussion on my bigger guns. I can shoot 10-12 times and I have a headache and a face full of 💩 every single trigger pull. I'm looking for a brake that has less blowback. I can deal with some recoil and noise is not an issue but I can't do much more of the ports blowing directly in my face. I may sound like a whiney baby but I have got to change something up...
I'm in the same situation with my 300 NM and christensen slayer brake. The brake is excellent at reducing recoil. One shot and I have a headache, Three shots and it feels like someone hit me right on top of the head. I've got to find a different brake or have a longer barrel put on.
I'm in the same situation with my 300 NM and christensen slayer brake. The brake is excellent at reducing recoil. One shot and I have a headache, Three shots and it feels like someone hit me right on top of the head. I've got to find a different brake or have a longer barrel put on.

My thoughts exactly. Mines on a 300 prc.
I'd spend $300 on a good brake without hesitation if I could get what I want. I'd much rather do that than $1000+ on a new barrel with work. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Buy a suppressor.... when I used brakes, the only ones I liked were piercision's brakes. The first port to the shooter is 90° and any ports after that were angled. I think there is a definite difference in the amount of the concussion the shooter gets. Contact @rpierce, maybe he can give you a deal.
Unfortunately, some of us live in a Bolshevik state where suppressors are banned, brakes are all we can use.
Heathen brake. I bought one for my 338 Edge for exactly this reason. I wanted a brake which would make the rifle shootable, but minimize concussion. It's a hunting rifle so I was willing to give up some recoil reduction for the perfect balance. I typically double muff with brakes on the range but that's not realistic hunting, so the concussion was an issue.

The Heathen's rear port is 90 degrees, straight out to the side. So it creates a wider envelope around the shooter (and spotter) than aggressive brakes which do better at absolute recoil reduction. So recoil reduction is not Fat Bastard level, but it reduces a 338 Edge to 300WM or less recoil

I've got a second Heathen, a newer model which can have the caliber changed by turning out the end. It's currently on my daugher's 6X45 to reduce recoil to absolute zero, but I'll eventually swap oout the end and put it om my 300WM, my other long range hunting rifle.
It's all about trade-off the "best" brakes are frequently going to have the most concussion. Over the years, I've used APA, Badger, Eurooptics, PVA, MBM, surefire, and other kinds that I remember the brake but not the brand. I totally agree with what was said about the concussion and it not being comfortable; it is worse if you are beside or behind someone else on the firing line. Any brake will increase the concussion, with the ones that are angled back increasing it the most. For various reasons, I've held off getting a suppressor, but after shooting more on the farm and RO'ing matches held under metal overhangs, I went ahead and started the wait. I would like to eventually try the Area 419 Maverick, but for the first go round, I went with one with a high NRR.
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