Muzzle Brake (searched) - Looking to spot shots


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2014
Black Hills, SD
I'm nearing the end of my build and need to select a muzzle brake or thread protector. I'm shooting a 6.5PRC so recoil is not an issue at all. This is a lighter build (9lbs) and I'd like to be able to spot my hits on target. There are tons of opinions and reviews on certain brakes but I am looking for more of a compensator than a brake. Any suggestions?
The market is so fluid I would buy one or two you were interested in and then sell what you don't use. If you have the resources? I've been surprised how little difference there is from all the different designs I've shot. The biggest issue is keeping dirt out of my face some brakes are better then others with that problem. No issue for compensators.
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