Monstadoe down with smokeless Rem 700, 370 yd shot

I do not believe they are that much more. What made my decision was Luke telling me I will notice no difference in the barrels when used as a hunting rifle/occasional shooter. Not only that but I started from ground zero, I had no donor rifle so I was forced to buy an action from Luke (Not cheap lol). I think I have close to 2 grand in my gun with everything I needed to shoot. Including ram rod, bullets, powder, scale Esc.
I do not believe they are that much more. What made my decision was Luke telling me I will notice no difference in the barrels when used as a hunting rifle/occasional shooter. Not only that but I started from ground zero, I had no donor rifle so I was forced to buy an action from Luke (Not cheap lol). I think I have close to 2 grand in my gun with everything I needed to shoot. Including ram rod, bullets, powder, scale Esc.

I fired off an email to Luke, who gave me an approximate price to re-barrel the Rem 700mz I just bought. Having the donor makes it a little cheaper. Before purchasing my UF rifle, I had considered one of his completely built rifles. My problem is, I'm always looking for something better than a hunting rifle :)
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