MERC - Maximum Effective Range Calculator

Thank you for the direction.
It's a MacBook Air laptop.
Missus had Excel on her login.
Also, cheers for the heads-up on the possible challenges regarding the various Excel version's.

Please let us know how it works. Post a fun comparison, or complain about problems you're having. :D
Thank you for releasing this application, and free! I really appreciate the visualisation, easy presentation of things affecting very positively to the educational value of this tool. With this kind of application normal OK shooters can develope themselves quicker to be better long range hunters. Allso less wounded animals, I quess.

Glad to hear you like the calculator.
Hopefully you can get used to the English units of yards, inches, fps, and mph! Perhaps eventually I will release a metric version. I guess that depends on how popular the tool becomes.
Released a minor update. So significant changes.

v2.07.04 - Minor revisions to instructions. Include user defined simulation Titles in the results table headings. Updates to the "Results Output" worksheet.
FYI, I added a Download Link for MERC to the first post (and removed the attached zip file).

Since I've shared this on a couple other websites now, having a single download link means I don't have to maintain current file versions across multiple websites.
Thanks for the update.

Minor suggestion for convenience: add a macro/button on the Scenario B sheet to copy over inputs from Scenario A (all but velocities). I find that much of the scenario examination I've done with the tool so far has been with the same load under different conditions, so almost all Scenario A & B inputs are the same. The current sheet layout doesn't allow for grabbing all inputs at once to copy/paste (need to do it in several blocks).

That's the best I can up with so far. Fun tool.
Thanks for the update.

Minor suggestion for convenience: add a macro/button on the Scenario B sheet to copy over inputs from Scenario A (all but velocities). I find that much of the scenario examination I've done with the tool so far has been with the same load under different conditions, so almost all Scenario A & B inputs are the same. The current sheet layout doesn't allow for grabbing all inputs at once to copy/paste (need to do it in several blocks).

That's the best I can up with so far. Fun tool.
Thank you for the feedback! Scott and I had discussed that exact topic! We decided to choose the path of least resistance (option 4).
  1. Add a button to copy the inputs from the other simulation worksheet. Negative - yet another button = more confusing to use the tool.
  2. Unlock the narrow cells in between each block of inputs, so you can select the whole block of inputs, and then copy/paste. Negative - users could accidentally type stuff in those narrow cells, since they aren't locked.
  3. Delete the narrow rows between each input block, thus all inputs can be copy/pasted at once. Negative - it looks ugly :)
  4. Do nothing, and see if anyone complains about it.
I'll look into fixing this for a future release.

For the time being, here is a trick!
On the SimB tab, reference each user input cell to equal the value from the SimA tab. For example, the MVSD input on the SimB tab would contain the following formula:
='Simulation A - (Baseline)'!E10
This way, whatever you type into the SimA inputs, the SimB inputs will match. Or you could do vise-versa to make simA match what you type into simB.

For those who don't know, you don't have to type all this out. The follow steps are how to reference a cell from another worksheet:
  1. Click a SimA input cell.
  2. Hit "="
  3. Click the SimB worksheet
  4. Click the SimB input cell you want to reference
  5. Hit Enter
  1. Do nothing, and see if anyone complains about it.
I'll look into fixing this for a future release.

For the time being, here is a trick!
On the SimB tab, reference each user input cell to equal the value from the SimA tab. For example, the MVSD input on the SimB tab would contain the following formula:
='Simulation A - (Baseline)'!E10
This way, whatever you type into the SimA inputs, the SimB inputs will match. Or you could do vise-versa to make simA match what you type into simB.

:) Certainly should not be logged into the "complaint" bin, merely suggestion. And the cell reference fix works fine.
This is just plain awesome. I've been thinking about programming something like this myself, but would not have been able to do it nearly this well.

Also, if more people were using this, people would understand it doesn't mean THAT much if your rifle shoots 0,8 or 1,1 MOA. As the range gets longer, the more it is about the ambient conditions and less about the mechanical accuracy.
Hi all! I was curious if there was a new link available to download this. Luckily I saved the version from several years ago, but, unsure if it has been updated since then. Any help is appreciated. Good luck to all hunters out there!
Hi all! I was curious if there was a new link available to download this. Luckily I saved the version from several years ago, but, unsure if it has been updated since then. Any help is appreciated. Good luck to all hunters out there!
Thanks for letting me know the download link has broken, I will update the link in the first post!

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