Meager 1130ish yard Chuck Pics

1130 is no small feat. I haven't done it yet and I would guess that less than 5 percent of the almost 5000 members of this site have even realistically tried a shot at this distance and I know that less than 1 percent of all bolt gunners even think this type of shot is do able if they even know what 1100 yards looks like.

Nothing meager about that shot. Good job.
My best with .25-06 is still just 275 yds /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
In East Texas, there are not many places you can even see 1130 yds let alone shoot it. Great job!
great shot bud. I wished my pop was still around, he would have loved this stuff. He was the one who would always make the shot that counted no matter what the distance. I did see him miss once or twice, but he always called those sighters. LOL
Great story and pictures, that is the stuff that makes this site worthwhile! What a wonderful way to spend time with your dad, you are so fortunate.
I haven't broke 1000 yet on a critter, hope to do it tho. Congratulations.
Thanks for sharing with us.
excellent! fellow 1/4 bore. im still trying to break 500. other than paper hogs! 464 current. the last month or so 31 have been offhand with a .223 to help my farmer friend.going to the big field tonight! the long range bug is back lablover,gear-up for august!
Wow what a shot......... keep up the good work; 1500yds don't seem all that far now huh? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks guys,
I can't attempt 1500 club with this set-up as I am limited at this time to 56 inches with the 1 inch scope (Signature inserts and Farrel 20moa base I am just 3 moa from bottomed out at 100.) Figure I can go to about 1375 though both in available fields maximums and scope adjustment. I'm not sure that I would be able to stabilize a heavier bullet to try and get some clicks back in BC. Might just break out and finish off my 30-378 for my further attempts here in PA. This summers goal is to help dad extend his on out to over 1K. This winter I'll be working on a 70 pound prairie dog rifle, rest and acquiring some optics. My brother-in-law has a ranch in the great midwest where I will hopefully be burning my vacation next year to attempt to get one at over a mile.

Thanks for the advice, and for setting the bar, I think reachable, but very, very high!
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