2144 yard Chuck pics.

i would like to see more people have fun shooting the long range game but you are right the price some smith's charge to built a good shooting rifle is unfair to a customer i have had smith's tell me to raise my prices but i wont we are not doctors. i give my customer's dealer price on all parts. brain here's what i would of charged you to built that rifle $300.00 for your McMillan 50 cal H stock $380.00 for a broughton barrel 1.500 o.d 32 inches long.the price of the block which could be $200.00 or $300.00 depending on what block the customer wanted and $100.00 to install the block and bed it.jewel trigger $170.00 for rem action. $110.00 to make and install a super brake on it. with your action suppled to me a complete blueprint job $300.00 or if its a custom action we don't need to do the blue pint job. $200.00 to chamber the mag. that's pretty much it. that's $1660.00 but if you have a custom action you can take $300.00 from that which is $1360.00 and if you don't want a brake it would be $1250.00 but you still need to buy a scope for it. when i built a rifle i want it to shoot its best so i take time to set things up to where the bore is dead center to where your bullet is going to be in the bore. www.parrysgunsmithing.com it dont got to hurt your pocket to have fun and have a rifle that can get the record.
I can't imagine waiting over 3 seconds to see my bullet impact. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I know when me and BJ were getting our 1000yd pdogs there were a couple of dogs that either would have been hit or been real **** scared but after the trigger was pulled they would scurry a few steps over and the bullet would land right where they had been.

It may take me along time for me to get in the 2k club but trying is gonna be soooooooo much fun.

Good job guys.
Tonight I was up shooting some skeet at our canyon range with a few friends of mine that are just scattergun enthusiasts and when they asked me why we built the Moag and our other guns, I pointed across the canyon to the other side about 1 mile away where a cell phone tower was. I said, "so if there is a chuck or an elk over by that tower, we can dump him from here" and they just looked at me like WHY????

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't get Lerch and I started on those people. That is all we've been dealing w/for the last few months @ work.

Ask them why they will spend $10,000 + on a Perazzi or Kreighoff when a $200 Mossberg will break targets just as well!!!

Again, nice job guys,
B.J. Bailey
the quality between those is a big difference's compared to the mossberg. my quality is the same as any other top gunsmith. we all get the same parts its what you can do to the parts when you put it together.
brian b,
My most sincere and respecfull congratulations. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
I know what you mean. A friend, that I go shooting with, asked me the same question. He asked, Why do you build these kind of rifles? I told him to go shooting with me some time and he would find out. I took him to a place where we could shoot out to around 400 yrds, at ground squirrels. I set up benches and a shade tent and went to work on the squirrel town. He was amazed how accurate my rifles were. I was consistantly hitting squrriles at 400 yrds with ease. He was instantly hooked and is in the process of putting togather a longrange varmint rifle. I showed him your story on this sight and his jaw dropped when he saw what you had done to a woodchuck at 2k. It takes skill to shoot at these ranges. Sure, you can have a custom built rifle but if you don't know how to reload correctly,understand the enviorioment and elements you are shooting in, it doen't matter what kind of rifle you have. Longrange shooting and rifle developement is an art, and I am thankful that others think so too!! Goodgrouper, I think it's time for you and your crew to go after the 2500 yrd mark. If anybody can do it, you guys can. Goodluck, and keep me posted on your progress at this range (2500 yrds)
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