Max Range for These Groups?

I am at range and just shot this group at 100 yards off a front rest only with no rear support bag. This replicates my rest when I shoot out of a box blind. I'm pleased with this group so I'm going to hunt with this set up. Thank you for your help.


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In addition to seeing how it groups farther out, you also need to validate your drops as they don't always mirror what a ballistic calculator spits out.
I agree, validate the drops. I've got to see it to believe it, or talk about it. If you've nailed down the velocities with a chronograph, physics is physics, gravity is gravity, and wind resistance is wind resistance. You can calculate the bullet drop and will find that the number you come up with is pretty darn close to what shows up on the target. (if the shooter is doing his part)
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I am at range and just shot this group at 100 yards off a front rest only with no rear support bag. This replicates my rest when I shoot out of a box blind. I'm pleased with this group so I'm going to hunt with this set up. Thank you for your help.
If you're shooting out of a box blind with a forearm rest only, this group is good at 100 yards. If you're going to be taking 500 yd shots at live animals, without using a rear rest, your grouping will most likely be much different. I've found that medium to long range shots with zero rear rest are pretty open grouping.
If you're shooting out of a box blind with a forearm rest only, this group is good at 100 yards. If you're going to be taking 500 yd shots at live animals, without using a rear rest, your grouping will most likely be much different. I've found that medium to long range shots with zero rear rest are pretty open grouping.
Agreed. What often happens is that there often times is a slight angle to the rifle, vertically leaning left or right. Meaning that the vertical crosshair is no longer straight up and down. This "cant" causes a slight problem at 100yds and closer but as distance increases, the affects of that angle are magnified
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I shoot a 3/4" moa group at 600 yards all day long on paper with bipod and bag on rear.. Put me in my box blind with window as front rest under my glove or whatever I have handy to put under my stock ""not barrel" seen that done also, look up barrel whip.." and 200 yards is pushing it.. Try shooting out the blind in the off season and see how it goes, then cut it in half for buck fever!!! Shooting paper is not the same as shooting live animals, if it was I would be killing out to 1000 all day long..
I shoot a 3/4" moa group at 600 yards all day long on paper with bipod and bag on rear.. Put me in my box blind with window as front rest under my glove or whatever I have handy to put under my stock ""not barrel" seen that done also, look up barrel whip.." and 200 yards is pushing it.. Try shooting out the blind in the off season and see how it goes, then cut it in half for buck fever!!! Shooting paper is not the same as shooting live animals, if it was I would be killing out to 1000 all day long..

I actually do shoot out of the box blinds in the off season and can ring the gong at 400. I never would rest a barrel on anything when shooting.

One thing I did inadvertently discover shooting from the box blind is office chairs that swivel are terrible chairs to shoot long distance from. A lot of us put used leather office chairs in the blinds for comfort. What happens is sitting on a swiveling chair will move the crosshairs significantly with each breath. I was surprised how much the act of breathing rotates those chairs on a swivel. I've swapped out the office chair for a solid seat that doesn't move when I breath.
Ok well truth be told if you do shoot out of blind on off season and you have pulled the trigger on a deer or 10 then you probably would not be asking this question.. Also I have shot a few deer with different Hornady rounds and found they are not up to my kill speed, accurate as all get out, just don't kill like I like.. Try a Sciroco, accubond, or ttsx if you want real killing power..'
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