When we were talking about this the other day my granddaughter, who is in high school, was telling us (besides what I stated in the previous post) that besides the main door being locked and each classroom door locked, each room has some type of what she called a fire door lock that can be installed in seconds over the inside of the door that makes it virtually impossible for the door to be opened from the outside. Additionally, and don't laugh, each seating has either a couple rocks, 1/2 bricks and other fairly heavy objects that are used to throw at an intruder to keep him distracted as they mass attack him and subdue him.
Give kids rocks but don't allow teachers to carry. Insanity.
Read somewhere that after repeated Palestinian attacks on schools, Israel trained and armed teachers and attacks ceased. IDK whether true - but it makes sense.
Starry-eyed Believers say "Teachers shouldn't have to have guns!" Betcha every teacher who has faced a sick murderer would have given anything for a firearm and the training to use it. Like it or not, school employees are THERE when s**t goes down.
Make it volunteer basis, provide at least annual training / quals and a biometric lockbox / on-body carry. After 9/11 TSA (?) began training & arming airline flight deck officers that way: Volunteers, VIGOROUS training including hand-to-hand combat, annual requals. They're not on every flight but like CCW, the bad actors are playing the odds. AFAIK the program is ongoing.
We protect politicians but not our kids. WHO MATTERS MORE?