Magneto Speed Mounting Ideas


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006

Been contemplating purchasing the V3 or event the standard model but trying to figure out a way to possibly mount to a small bipod vs attaching to the barrel as this seems to be the issue most folks are having. Just wandering if anyone had any suggestions thanks
Someone came up with an adapter to hook on a picatiny rail. You really need to have it referenced to the barrel since the bullet needs to fly over the bayonet so closely. It would be too easy to hit the bayo otherwise.
Tagging...I plan to get a Magneto Speed Chrony and have been thinking about the POI change.
The issue with POI change is exaggerated by some but understated by others on line. I haven't seen a significant POI shift when using the Magneto on heavy barrels over a varmint contour. The shift that I have seen is pretty consistent. On some guns I can zero at 100 with the Magneto mounted and shoot to 1000 yards with the Magneto still mounted and not have any significant issues.

I don't see an increase (or decrease) in group size with the bayo mounted, just a consistent shift in POI.
The issue with POI change is exaggerated by some but understated by others on line. I haven't seen a significant POI shift when using the Magneto on heavy barrels over a varmint contour. The shift that I have seen is pretty consistent. On some guns I can zero at 100 with the Magneto mounted and shoot to 1000 yards with the Magneto still mounted and not have any significant issues.

I don't see an increase (or decrease) in group size with the bayo mounted, just a consistent shift in POI.

I am not sure how you formulated these ideas. I have seen, on my rifles, changes of over 2MOA to nothing at all, in POI. I think it would be safe to say some individuals see no change while others see huge changes. I personally have not seen accuracy changes with the unit attached but it most likely have an effect on some rifles/barrels. Adding/changing weight at the end of a barrel is the entire principle of a barrel tuner which absolutely has an effect on accuracy so I think it is very safe to assume it will effect some rifles in some way.
Accuracy with the unit attached is what I curious about. I was "thinking" you would have to find your most accurate load, then attach the device to see where you were velocity wise.

Most all of my rifles have nothing less than a magnum contour so from what I'm seeing I will most likely not have a problem finding a node while tracking velocity.

Thanks guys!
I've noticed the effects of poi change are reduced the larger the barrel contour with the MS. Accuracy seems to stay close to the same somehow.

I had it mounted to my 338 edge imp. while shooting at 1200yds yesterday and noticed it required half moa less elevation with the MS attached. Barrel is 30" heavy Palma contour.

Ive been trying to think of a way to mount it to the fore end of the stock lately as well on some smaller hunting stocks but there is not much room to work with. Right now I'm down to the mk machine mount or just getting a lab radar.
I got the accessory attachment from MPA for mounting on their chassis. Works pretty slick.
View attachment 97377 I got the accessory attachment from MPA for mounting on their chassis. Works pretty slick.
I've been working on an isolated MagnetoSpeed mount for three or four years now. Thought I could come up with something practical, functional, and fiscally affordable using my existing shop and tools. Nah; found I needed a milling machine to make the mount universal and consistently a quality product. Too much for me right now. However, I finally--by hand and "one-off"--made a mount that has no effect on POI or anything I could think of. It's totally adjustable and thus fits all my rifles. Here's some photos attached: Mag1.jpg Mag2.jpg Mag3.jpg Mag4.jpg
Any one tried mounting a rod via the rail under the forend?

Seems a block with set screws to hold the rod, clamped on the rail would give you something to hang the bayonet on under the barrel.

Here is something like what I'm talking about...

Might even be able to remove the sling swivel to insert a rod.

You can buy the whole thing then send me the cheap-*** bi-pod...for $16+ dollars we would both be happy...yes I use them...takes a little work but I replace the parts that fail and end up with a very serviceable bi-pod.
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