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I would like to unleash all the information I have on the Seller. I am, however, looking for a method to get my loss resolved without incurring any additional issues.
In my mind, this is theft across State Lines. Currently, I am not sure who best to contact.
I will be happy to take qualified opinions.

This would be my first "form"...

United States Postal Inspection Service

Make an appointment with your local Postal Inspector too.

From a GunsAmerica article a few years ago....
The only law enforcement body who will stand up for you across the entire United States are the United States Postal Service Inspectors. If you use USPS money orders and mail them USPS, you generate what they call a "nexus" and if, G-d forbid, you are scammed online, they will respond to your complaint.

That leaves the option of mailing your payment to the seller, and this is by far where the majority of online fraud occurs. Unfortunately, law enforcement across state lines is a hole in our justice system. The FBI is supposed to handle it, but they have been focused on Homeland Security since 911. To get FBI involved generally takes over $100,000 in losses. You might think BATFE would be interested in fraud cases involving guns, but in the fraud we are talking about, there are no guns and there never were any guns. The pictures in the ads were stolen from the internet. BATFE has little if any jurisdiction.

At the state and local level, in some places there is a huge support network of law enforcement for internet fraud. Some states and cities even have internet, or cyber, task forces. But in the wake of budget cuts, many of these are falling away. And in much of the country, this type of law enforcement doesn't exist whatsoever. If you call the PD where you sent your money, they will simply tell you to file a complaint with your local PD and that will be the last you hear of it.

In our experience at GunsAmerica, there is only one body of law enforcement reliably watching the internet crime ship, and that is the United States Postal Service. Postal Inspectors have been extremely responsive to our calls and emails, and they have ended at least three fraud rings where the scammers were focusing on not just GunsAmerica, but also the other gun buying and selling websites.

Just a thought, but I had a similar situation happen with a very expensive rifle on a different forum a few years ago. Spent a month worrying about it while I got intermittent excuses from the seller about why he hadn't shipped it. I then googled the person and found out everything I could about him. I contacted the local sheriff, and while he DID say that it was a civil matter, he also said he'd stop by the guy's house and talk to him. My rifle was at the UPS shop the next day. Problem solved.

It's a darn shame. Except for that one experience I have had such great luck buying and selling on various "outdoorsman related" forums. Generally just such good people in these kinds of groups.
The Seller is a Female. Nothing against them as a whole. This one is still a thorn still as of today!
The Seller is a Female. Nothing against them as a whole. This one is still a thorn still as of today!

Susan Lola Werba

Same lady? I contacted her and she tried to sell me a gun, had to be USPS money order, express mail and asked me to take a picture of the money order (I am sure so she could deposit it ASAP)
[email protected] (as listed in previous ads on other sites)

Mods I hope it is okay that I posted this information. Regardless this individual I listed is trying to scam people as well as the deal she was offering seemed like a scam given my interactions with this individual.
When asked about a paypal payment she said she couldn't do that due to her account being locked due to a negative balance (not sure how that occurs)
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There was a guy on here in late 2014 or early 2015 who successfully prosecuted someone like this. It was over a rifle that was never delivered. The perpetrator was in Virginia, I believe. The perp was scamming others also. Guy worked thru the local sheriff, I think. I don't think the victim was from Virginia. He did go to the trial as a witness, I'm sure of that.

If this person is doing this to several people, authorities will look into it. I would notify NJ authorities and file a USPS Inspector Service mail fraud complaint here:
United States Postal Inspection Service

Also, encourage others who have been a victim to do the same. That's what the person above did. It may be tough, but oh that sweet smell of revenge.... Good luck to ya.
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Copied from one of my earlier links:

"Well I was burned by a guy named Troy121 from my WTB Remington M24 daytime optic case. The guy told me that he had an M24 trigger group for sale.he wanted $150.00 he sent me five photographs of the trigger group and also a picture of his driver's license. When I asked him where he got my information from he said our friend from the CMP site sent it to him. Anyway I talked him down to $125.00 and I sent him a u.s. postal money order and I made him sign for it he's in Alabama. And so far he's not sent me the part only excuses. His name is Edith Denise Avery from Russellville Al. [email protected]
Be very aware of his guy."
morning, I had the same thing happen on a sale on gunbroker. I paid a person

from Oregon for a custom 300wm. I called______and called. yes I will ship. finally

I filed a complaint with gunbroker. I filed chargers with the Oregon attorney

general, and charges with the district attorney's office and the sheriff's

office in the town the person lived. come to find out the same person had

received money from 2 other person's besides myself. the police had

a record of this person's unlawful actitives. the person moved to California

my charges followed this person. the person was arrested in California and

returned to Oregon town. felony charges were filed against the person

and the person was sent to prison. I got $500 of the original $650 returned

gunbroker. this is the sites policy!! THK Ulightbulb:)gun)
I have had 2 transactions go south thru the years and both were resolved by the USPS inspectors.
Both were sent with a tracking number and were USPS MO in excess of $1000. One was a pawn shop and the other was an individual. The pawn shop had an employee who was listing guns in the shop unknown to the owner. The other was involved in a divorce issue and was settled by the
judge. Both cases I received full refunds but never saw the guns! The pawnshop employee was later convicted of embezzlement for several counts!

As always buyer beware!