LR 260 not cycling after gunsmith

C Harrison

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2014
DPMS LR-260 with a Syrac adjustable gas block was functioning perfect with 46gr H4831sc then, I take it to the gunsmith to move the barrel nut a tad in order to unbind the gas tube as the teeth were misaligned. Yesterday, the **** thing wouldn't cycle or lock to the rear on an empty magazine. I opened the gas block wide open and still no change in ejection distance or cycling. He didn't take the gas block off but he had to remove the gas tube, could that have been the problem? I also cleaned it ver well and lubed it up good. I am near positive I put it back together properly, lots of experience wit AR type in the military but who knows. Any ideas?
He might very well have misaligned the gas tube in the block, or failed to pin it back in properly. If it isn't seated so you're losing gas, opening the adjustment might not be able to compensate. Should be easy enough to check, or just take it back for him to fix - after all, he's the one who screwed it up.
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