Looking forward to cooler temperatures to resume shooting

Living in the deep south I have done a lot of shooting in hot weather. We have a range set up at our deer camp right out the front door. I use a fan set up to cool barrels between strings. I tend to load and shoot at the range. So it provides down time while loading to let barrels cool down. The worst aspect is mirage can get really bad. I find using temp stable powders helps but I have loaded for several powders that do slow down in cool weather. The key is having a forgiving load that even if slows down in cooler weather the groups don't go to pot. I will typically verify loads once the weather cools off and rarely have issues with groups opening up. Poi may change slightly but a fall re zero takes care of that.
Yep, I'm sorry for all of those dealing with after-math of that thing. I guess if we put things in perspective, we shouldn't be frustrated with our own minor inconveniences when others have it much worse. Always helps to keep perspective.
Yes it seems that everyone has some kind of weather problems from tornadoes to earthquakes to volcanoes to hurricanes to landslides to tsunamis.

I've been through 3 major hurricanes and several minor hurricanes and several tropical storms and for the most part I would rather go through them than a tornado or an earthquake.

My girlfriend was at my house during hurricane Harvey when the gusts of about 120 mph shook the trailer house she was freaking out asking us this normal, I chuckled a little and said yeah it's ok.

I've been through Celia in Corpus it was a lot worse, but I made fun of Harvey. I've got 15 acres and my parents were visiting when Harvey showed up. They rode it out in a 23 foot travel trailer we tied down.

It came through on my dad's birthday went up a 100 miles or so did a loop and came back through as a tropical storm on my birthday. I made fun of it and called it the guest that would not leave.

I was without power for 6 days, mom and dad went back to Corpus after the storm and they were without power for 8 days, they didn't get much rain or wind but what they did get knocked trees over in the alleys and made it hard to fix.
I was able to get out and getr' done.
Me too. It was a good idea. Up at 5:00 and at the range by 5:30. 68* when I got there and 73* when I left at 9:00. I could tell it was heating up already. I was greeted at the range by 5 deer. It was a GREAT morning. Got that itch out of my system and had GREAT time. Now I can analyze my data and start the reloading process all over again.
Me too. It was a good idea. Up at 5:00 and at the range by 5:30. 68* when I got there and 73* when I left at 9:00. I could tell it was heating up already. I was greeted at the range by 5 deer. It was a GREAT morning. Got that itch out of my system and had GREAT time. Now I can analyze my data and start the reloading process all over again.
Looks like it will be next Thursday before I can get back out to prove and tweak some loads. About to be in a microwave for a few days.
I am taking a break from PRS due to the heat. Retired now so I can shoot year round but July in middle Georgia is smoking! Born in raised iin Savannah so I always thought 90+ temp and 90+ humidity normal in summer but as after 60+ years this heat is brutal.
Aint that the truth! I'm thinking these
Snowbirds might have it right. Summers in Montana and winters down south.
Actually, I always have liked the winter. I'm probably a little odd because of that. Always liked the snow. I don't like to clean it up but, I like to see it. I don't mind driving it like some. Liked playing in it as a kid. Like hunting in it as long as it isn't a wet snow. It's just the heat I don't like.
I am taking a break from PRS due to the heat. Retired now so I can shoot year round but July in middle Georgia is smoking! Born in raised iin Savannah so I always thought 90+ temp and 90+ humidity normal in summer but as after 60+ years this heat is brutal.
Only place I've been worse than Savannah in the summer was Jackson, MS
I just don't believe it does any good when you are testing reloads. Especially, if you are going to be hunting in late fall, early winter when the temperatures are going to be cooler.
You're right.

It's a lot easier to prep in the winter for shooting in the summer.
Opposite that, there is no way to keep the gun cold without dropping below dew point and drowning the bore with condensation.
If you cool your ammo, you'll drown the chamber and end up beating the bolt open with a boot, even while pressure is lower.

With a cut rifled barrel, and ammo temp moderated as kept in your front pants pockets(pulled & fired single shot), you might get away with a ~50deg shift. This is my system for NC winter prepping for PA summer shooting.
For your scenario, I'd hold off serious testing until November.