Looking for advice on a good electric sharpener

Ahh the Metalworkers art...I start with a Medium Diamond then I have 3 Japanese Water Stones I finish with. Hair splitting sharp! If you don't want to learn get a Lansky
Diamond Set They do a passable job. No Electric!! Heat is your enemy!! it will ruin your knife!! Or a insert blade ready sharp you just change it?

I agree with KyCarl 100% on this. The tips are especially prone to burning when power sharpening (especially with the finer grits)... and that happens to be the most important part of a knife when it comes to butchery and meat processing.

Lansky diamond set is an easy and effective way to sharpen. Not just that, it's a great gateway to hand sharpening if one is so inclined.
What do you guys use for knife sharpening?

Whenever I am at Cabela's or other outdoor stores I browse the choices but just haven't been confident I know which one to get.

I've had several manual sharpeners for years but want to move on to a very high quality electric for my hunting knives and my wife's kitchen knives.
Work sharp is good for the average hunter, home owner. If your a veteran you can sign up at expertcity and get a huge discount.

But if you want to go all out, a 72 inch belt grinder up to 2000 grit and then strop on horse hide first with white compound then green and then clean leather. You'll get a polished cover edge that will make the surgical blades look like butter knives and if you stay out of the hair, you'll get through 3-4 elk before you have to strop it again.

And you can start out on the work sharp and get the same results if you strop it out.
Here's a mirror edge I just got done with for a guy.


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