Looking for a custom rifle maker - high quality

Have had good service from Hoover Precision in MT. [HIDDEN]

Here's a 6.5 Sherman Max he just built for me. First 2 shots to zero, then shots 3 - 6 (4 shots) into a decent group with the 123 Absolutes.

Still pending cerakote...but function test looks promising. 👍


  • 6.5 Sherman Max.jpg
    6.5 Sherman Max.jpg
    66.9 KB · Views: 181
  • 6.5 Sherman Max with March CT.jpg
    6.5 Sherman Max with March CT.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 180
  • 6.5 Sherman Max 123 AH target pic.jpg
    6.5 Sherman Max 123 AH target pic.jpg
    886.2 KB · Views: 177
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For all of you with experience in having custom long range hunting rifles built, who in this country is at the top of their game? High quality, meticulous in detail AND will use a brand new reamer?

I am looking at two new long range hunting rifles: a 300 WM and a 300 PRC.
Composite stock. Bolt action. Tack driver.
NOT looking for a heavy bench rest Gun not an MSR.

I'd consider another Cooper but their wait is wait too long. I need these by next hunting season Oct 2022).
I have looked too at Fierce.
I have looked too at Seekins.

REALLY sour on Browning… quality has died and they are resting on their laurels and their name. John Browning would remove his name from that organization! (This coming from a former member of the Browning Collectors Association and owner of over 20 Browning rifles).

I have talked to several people that have gone the custom route and they all insist that a key piece is using a brand new reamer.

I am not looking for some guy that can throw together a rifle in his garage but someone that prides themselves on their quality and their reputation.

Are you looking for a reputable gunsmith where you can have face-to-face interaction ("my" personal preference), i.e., in the state of Utah or within acceptable driving distance, or does it not matter? Montanans are fortunate to have plenty of them. I have a few within an hour's drive from me, one of which is 2 miles from where I live. My go-to gunsmith since 2003 is a 20-minute drive.

https://www.crosscanyonarms.com/gunsmithing is in Ogden, UT. GoogleMap shows less than half an hour drive from you.
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For all of you with experience in having custom long range hunting rifles built, who in this country is at the top of their game? High quality, meticulous in detail AND will use a brand new reamer?

I am looking at two new long range hunting rifles: a 300 WM and a 300 PRC.
Composite stock. Bolt action. Tack driver.
NOT looking for a heavy bench rest Gun not an MSR.

I'd consider another Cooper but their wait is wait too long. I need these by next hunting season Oct 2022).
I have looked too at Fierce.
I have looked too at Seekins.

REALLY sour on Browning… quality has died and they are resting on their laurels and their name. John Browning would remove his name from that organization! (This coming from a former member of the Browning Collectors Association and owner of over 20 Browning rifles).

I have talked to several people that have gone the custom route and they all insist that a key piece is using a brand new reamer.

I am not looking for some guy that can throw together a rifle in his garage but someone that prides themselves on their quality and their reputation.

Cooper is worth the wait sooner you order the better I have 2 coopers there great
For all of you with experience in having custom long range hunting rifles built, who in this country is at the top of their game? High quality, meticulous in detail AND will use a brand new reamer?

I am looking at two new long range hunting rifles: a 300 WM and a 300 PRC.
Composite stock. Bolt action. Tack driver.
NOT looking for a heavy bench rest Gun not an MSR.

I'd consider another Cooper but their wait is wait too long. I need these by next hunting season Oct 2022).
I have looked too at Fierce.
I have looked too at Seekins.

REALLY sour on Browning… quality has died and they are resting on their laurels and their name. John Browning would remove his name from that organization! (This coming from a former member of the Browning Collectors Association and owner of over 20 Browning rifles).

I have talked to several people that have gone the custom route and they all insist that a key piece is using a brand new reamer.

I am not looking for some guy that can throw together a rifle in his garage but someone that prides themselves on their quality and their reputation.

Michael DeLoach/Nine Run Gun
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