Longest Kill Shot ?

505 yards - Pronghorn
250 yards - Mule Deer
25 yards - Coyote
268 - Elk

Longest shot I've witnessed
790 yards - Pronghorn by my 16yo nephew using a 28 Nosler
I must have missed it but what was the range of that crow shot?
Something on the order of 2000 yards. It was deliberate in that that was the goal and we put in the old college try. It was a total accident in that neither of us seriously thought it was even remotely possible to make the shot.
Something on the order of 2000 yards. It was deliberate in that that was the goal and we put in the old college try. It was a total accident in that neither of us seriously thought it was even remotely possible to make the shot.

That's crazy lol.
2014 Mountain Goat 1000 yards
2016 Mountain Goat 523 yards
2018 Whitetail 496 yards
Using the BR2 Range Finder with a semi custom Savage 300 WSM. Nightforce NSX scope.
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