Longest Kill Shot ?

woodchuck 620 yards243 85 gr hollow point bt. paced out no range finder flat terrain i paced taking three foot steps i had a12v power unertal scope on the gun model 70 heavy bbl.bullet lost so much velocity it did not expand.
Prairie Dog at +-876 yards with 7mm Rem Mag, 175gr Abbubond LR, at 2,815FPS.

I like to omit the part where it took me 14 rounds with a spotter to hit it;)
Mine was at 500 yards in Texas. Took me 3 shots on the prairie dog with my brother spotting, and a 15 mile an hour wind. I think hitting was luck. Used a 25-06. I shot a coyote on Fort Carson at 410 0r 415 yards with a .300 WinMag. Whitetail deer at 425 yards in Kansas. Used my .35 Whelen.
Colorado Elk 520 yds .270 win

P dogs 688 .22-250 , shot the mommy, and the the next two shots each of her pups. After that I rolled over laughing in astonishment.
woodchuck 260 yards thompson center muzzle loader using hornady 240 gr bullets and three pellets triple seven.[velocity guess 2100 fps] 150yard zero hold over ? i forgot over one foot.range detemined by range finder
Also just shot my 2019 mountain goat
350yds with 300 rum 212 eld-x bullet
1,300 yards on Elk 300 WM , 220 ELD's @2887fps if my memory serves me. I shoot weekly on a range that goes 1,400 yards. We usually shoot from the 1,300 yard point. First shot went over the ELK, my DOPE miscalculated the thin air vs our ranch. Hit him first round and he was stunned, didnt run, hit him again and he dropped. Didnt know my first hit was a hit until we skinned him.
Elk, 412 yards (270 Win) this one is disputed. one range finder said 509 the other said 412. one is wrong.. I do not know which one. If I had to trust one of them more than the other; I would trust the 509 (Leica Geovid) over the 412 (Bushnell)
white tail, 409 yards (270 Win)
Muley, 390-something yards (270 Win)
field mice, 300 yards, (17 rem)
antelope squirrel, 400 yards (17 Rem)
prong horn, 500 yards (25-06)
grey tree squirrels, 50 yards (22 cal air rifle with open sights)
grouse, approx 100 feet (22 LR High-Standard 106 target pistol)
coyotes, 604-605 yards (22-250)
Cal black bear, 50 feet (41 Mag) the only Cal Black I have killed
Montana Inland Brown (Grizzly), 125-124 yards (45-70 and 338 Win Mag) the only two grizzlies I have killed
Just as a fun fact about me.. my shortest shot on an Elk or any other game was less than one foot. I was hiding under a tree, an Elk wandered up and started eating off the tree I was under. I shot him with a 338 Win Mag. I just pointed the muzzle at his chest and let her rip. Big body, not that impressive rack but I was so happy to have that Elk
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