Long range coyote rifle?

If you are buying factory, then 6mm remington. If building, then a hot 6mm or .25 fit the bill. For 6mm's think 6mmAI, .240 wby, 6x284. All easily done by any reloader. For hot .25's think .25-06AI, .257 wby, .25stw. The last is a wildcat, but will throw a 100 gr bullet 4000 fps. Had to mention that. Now for the real question, what are you going to build or buy? Look at richardscustomrifles for some ideas.
why not rebarrel the 22-250 to a 22-250 with a 1:7.7 kriger and sling 80 grain JLK's? or go with a 6.5 pacnor and use the 90's?

You are already set up for 22-250. Just use 80 VLD's
I have used everything, almost!I would go with the 25-06 Rem and be done with it. 3400fps with 100gr loads with IMR4831. Have taken deer at over 600yds and coyotes over 500yds. Outlaw
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