Long range coyote gun?

I use 6.5-284 and 260AI. I shot a coyote last year at 1300 with the 6.5. Bullet penciled through but coyote didn't go far. That was really pushing it but out to 800 or so they are both just dynamite.
My hat is off to you. I have had kills at ,1300 plus but not on anything as small as a coyote.

Hell that's not just great shooting it's amazing. Again, my hat is off to you.gun)
I've been wondering about a 260 I've never shot one. Like every other firearm someday I will. What kind of groups,affected by wind much?:rolleyes:
Pick any round shooting the .264 and you will have one that can buck the wind well due to the very high BC's in the 130 and 140gr bullets.

I like the .260 best of all of them simply due to the economy of loading it.

You can get either the .260 brass or just neck down 308 brass for it and it's anything but a powder hog.

How they shoot group wise of course is up to the individual rifle, load, and shooter but they have been winning 1,000yds competitions since the wildcat was developed.

Mine shoots pretty well. This target is 20 rounds fired in about 1 minute 40 seconds and I did have about a 20mph half value left to right wind that day.

Here's the rifle. Nothing fancy but it does the job. I've done some "remodeling" to it since this but basically it's still the same gun.

Pick any round shooting the .264 and you will have one that can buck the wind well due to the very high BC's in the 130 and 140gr bullets.

I like the .260 best of all of them simply due to the economy of loading it.

You can get either the .260 brass or just neck down 308 brass for it and it's anything but a powder hog.

How they shoot group wise of course is up to the individual rifle, load, and shooter but they have been winning 1,000yds competitions since the wildcat was developed.

Mine shoots pretty well. This target is 20 rounds fired in about 1 minute 40 seconds and I did have about a 20mph half value left to right wind that day.
HOLYCRAP! Is that 1k? I gotta get out nshoot more.
I don't think that's a thousand yard target. If so that Texan is one bad mother,well you know the rest. Nice rifle for sure.
No that's a 250yds target. Sorry for the confusion. Here's the original post on the subject.


It does however hold MOA at 1,000.

There may be an AR that can shoot .25moa at 1,000 for 20rds in under 2 minutes but I haven't seen it and I doubt if I had it I've got the skill to take advantage of the additional capability.
Hell man now you got me looking at a 260. You people could cost me a few bucksgun)
Don't tell anyone because it's a closely held secret but we're really just here to sell more guns for our sponsors.... .Shhh keep it under your hat.

My longest kill with it so far is at 760 on a doe and one at 740 on a coyote. The coyote took two though because the first one caught a gust of wind.

The funny part was that I was shooting into a quartering wind and he never heard the shot but he ran over to the bullet impact spot to see what made the "thwack" noise and kicked up the dust.

That made the follow up a no brainer.

I've had several long range coyote kills on followups for the same reason.

The rapid follow up advantage the AR platform offers is a real benefit on such shots.
Don't tell anyone because it's a closely held secret but we're really just here to sell more guns for our sponsors.... .Shhh keep it under your hat.

My longest kill with it so far is at 760 on a doe and one at 740 on a coyote. The coyote took two though because the first one caught a gust of wind.

The funny part was that I was shooting into a quartering wind and he never heard the shot but he ran over to the bullet impact spot to see what made the "thwack" noise and kicked up the dust.

That made the follow up a no brainer.

I've had several long range coyote kills on followups for the same reason.

The rapid follow up advantage the AR platform offers is a real benefit on such shots.
Ive shot a buncha yotes like that. My longest kill was a yote out mousing in short grss reeeal early no wind. 1st shot he pricks his ears up and runs right to the bullet impact. Bulet was in air arounfd 5 seconds and wasnt supersonic so he became MY SPOTTER. Took a few to dial him in as 1st round was 40-50ft off. Works though especially if bullets under mach. They just hear a thump nd run right to it. You correct and wham. Iprobly wouldnt have killled any ELR yotes without this little trick.
No that's a 250yds target. Sorry for the confusion. Here's the original post on the subject.


It does however hold MOA at 1,000.

There may be an AR that can shoot .25moa at 1,000 for 20rds in under 2 minutes but I haven't seen it and I doubt if I had it I've got the skill to take advantage of the additional capability.
I think the ar10 in a 6.5 could be a 1k target player in the right conditions. Ive shot some nice 1k groups with one when it was pure hell with a bolt gun. Catch a conditon for 20-30 secs and send em all. Sometimes works better than anything else.
I think the ar10 in a 6.5 could be a 1k target player in the right conditions. Ive shot some nice 1k groups with one when it was pure hell with a bolt gun. Catch a conditon for 20-30 secs and send em all. Sometimes works better than anything else.
Fair point. The heavy bull barrel takes a long time to cool down but it also takes a while to heat up and so far it continues to hold good groups even when pretty warm.

When target shooting it is somewhat difficult not to take advantage of that and the magazine capacity and over do it.

For anyone else considering building one for a varmint gun the only thing I'd say is that the 24" bull has it's advantages but it makes for a very heavy and front heavy platform that is no fun at all to pack for long distances but that disadvantage of course also lends to steadiness and with a decent brake even at 100yds you can see your impacts.

If I were only going to have one and do it again I'd go with a little lighter contour and a 20" deep fluted barrel for the sake of ease of carry and weight savings because with this case size the additional length isn't really giving much of a gain in velocity so it'd be worth the trade off.
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