Long range coyote rifle?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR> 308, 155 grain Palma bullet at 3000 FPS. Fired from a 24-26" barrel these bullets have a BC of around .500-.505<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

michael--.505 would be the BC for the 175SMK, the 155 is .450 says sierra.

id say you cant go wrong with the 6mm pursuasion. then if you want to save fur you can always shoot the 58 vmax and it probably wont exit.

MY favourite Coyote rifle is a Ruger #1 in .220 Swift.

Nothing more accurate and not a better cartridge for them Yotes.

Thanks for the advice.Does the 6mm Rem come from the factory with a 24" barrel? Is that important? I will have to wait to build up some new gun money, but for now I will try the 7 mag and 162 Amax. I need more practice with this rifle anyhow.

Gotta go with Wyo on this also- 243 or 243 AI or the 6mm. 243 has good selection of factory fodder and good bullet selection for reloading. Accuracy is definitely there and I feel better than the 25 calibers. But I built a 243 AI that shoots sub 1/4 and Wyo's 6mm AI shoots sub 1/4 so we might be a little biased!
My vote would be to go with a 25/06 as well. I used mine for a little over 2 seasons on them critters and used just about every weight of bullet with no problems. My favorite was probly the 75g V-max though. 3800fps and 3/8" at 100 yards. I also used the 85g B-tip with great results at longer range. I also used the 100g SMK towards the latter end for the 500 and 600 yard shots and untill my barrel was shot out. .243 win is hard to beat for a 500 yard coyote rifle as well. I bought one specifically for that purpose. There short, light, fast, flat shooting, hit hard enough for them yote's. Just another ones opinion.

.505 is only the "book" BC for the 175 SMK, actual BC's are vastly different from the book in real life. Such as a 150-155 bullet fired from a 308 Win. Most match type bullets in this weight fired from a 24-26" barrel from a 308 will be .500-.505 Real world

[ 10-30-2003: Message edited by: meichele ]
Ok, so I just can't resist this anymore. I propose that you use a 7mm Ultra Mag as your LR coyote rifle. Shoot those 140 grain Ballistic Tips at 3500+ fps. At that speed they make great varmint bullets and shoot extremely flat. How many shots at a coyote are you going to get in a day anyway? With a good muzzle break it won't hurt too much.

The best option would be.....

Of course...the .243 "coyote-killer" I just put up for sale

Sorry for the cheap plug!

Honestly, the .243 has worked great for all the reasons that have been mentioned. Lots of options for loads, manageble recoil (to see the hit) and great ballistics for bucking the wind and knocking the dogs down!
Go with the 25-06 it will beat the 243 Ackley Improved hands down. I have both I get about 3100fps with 100gr bullets in the 243 Imp. 3400fps with same weight in the 25-06. What ever turns your crank, Outlaw.
I guess I'll have to put in my .02.
I use a .243 IMP and it would fit your bill except I (personally) don't consider the .243 win a 500y wind bucker. 250y wind bucker yes, but to shoot flat enough to 500 your bullet has to be too light to really buck the wind.
25-06 rem gets the thumbs up. 100gr Nosler BT @ 3300 fps is pretty flat to 400 and not too hard to guestimate beyond that. You can buy them loaded from Federal.If you don't need major wind bucking ability then load up some 75gr Hornady V Max bullets @ 3700 fps for crater sized holes in all forms of varmints. 25-06 is also excellent for deer and antelope to 500+ using a Nosler 115gr Ballistic tip.
Good hunting, Coyoter
I don't know about those .223 answers... I have shot a full unopened soda can at 600yrds and it did not go all the way through. The bullet was kick out the same hole it went in. I would suggest a 6mm myself.

I support EVERYONE that replied with a 6mm Remington Vote. I LOVE the 6mm Remington. You can walk into a sporting goods store and purchse factory ammo or reload like I do. My personel pet load that I Love and the coyoteees HATE is:

80 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip
41.2 grains of Varget
Reminton 9-1/2 primers
3386 fps out of a 26" barrel

[ 11-19-2003: Message edited by: W ]
For really windy days you can't go wrong with my Remington 700 PSS in 300 WM using a 220gr Match King at 2700 fps. It is good out to 1200 meters if you can range one that far!
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