Using RL-33 through a 26" barrel I was able to hit an avg of 2875.
195 EOL HBN coated
Hornady brass
Fed 215
76gr RL-33

Retumbo averaged a touch faster with an avg of 2897 with 69gr

Grouping was poor with Ret., but .5 MOA with RL-33. My seat depth test proved .120" from lands to be best, but seating that deep really would have been near impossible. I chose to jump back to the 175 EH and save the rest of my 195's for my STE
I've been using N570 with better results than RL 33
Ok, Slow internet caused a couple extra posts. I think that's all figured out.

The company purchased a new Sartorius Entris scale to put this whole weighing powder issue to bed. It's way bigger then I expected. I will test 5 rounds as soon as I can and see what the spread is.

I shot the 195 off my porch today at 233 yards making sure my cold bore was fine.

I shot three rounds all within an hour and a half.
.27 moa nice!


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If your using our targets, the Gel type inks will smear when the target is wet. The ball point pens work best. FYI
7mm Rem Mag pushing a 195gr bullet at 2900+ FPS is just plain awesome.
That's 3,642 foot-pounds of energy from the muzzle.
That will absolutely crush anything in the lower 48 and most Alaskan game.
Bravo, my friend.
One of our clients shot this at 75 yards with a Berger 168 VLD out of a Remington 700 LR 7mm Rem Mag. Good Work Sam! One shot brought the cow moose down....

Special Draw Unit in Northeast Washington, MT. Spokane


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Anymore updates on the 195?

I am having a Proof steel barrel being chambered in 7rm throated for the 195s at the moment. 29" 1:8.

My current 7rm is a 26" brux and I'm shooting the 180 ELDs. With RL26 I am at 2892 with an SD of 4 shooting .2-.3s. I never worked this load up any higher. Currently at 63.7.

Really interested in further testing of the 195s with RL33 or N570
Anymore updates on the 195?

I am having a Proof steel barrel being chambered in 7rm throated for the 195s at the moment. 29" 1:8.

My current 7rm is a 26" brux and I'm shooting the 180 ELDs. With RL26 I am at 2892 with an SD of 4 shooting .2-.3s. I never worked this load up any higher. Currently at 63.7.

Really interested in further testing of the 195s with RL33 or N570

I think you were a bit under max with the 180 ELD-M. I'm building a 1:8 twist 26" 7mag varmint weight out of my Savage 110 7mag sporter. I believe I will hit 3000fps easily with H1000 or Retumbo. With a 29" tube, I bet you will be able to throw the 195gr at 3000fps still...
Yeah I am a good bit under max due to brass capacity. PPU brass. Great brass, primer pockets held together even under a few max loads but case capacity sucked. 70.5 of retumbo was compressed at 2.772 OAL.

I was shooting the 180 vld at 2990ish with retumbo but accuracy went to crap. Federal brass primarily.

All around I have been happy with the ELD-Ms of even at that speed. I have finally shot that brass out and moving on to different brass so I will be working it up with reloader 26 again.

I will be seeing if the 1000$ scale is going to bring the SD down on the Retumbo Powder with the mostly factory Savage Rifle. We shall see.

I remember the Retumbo was great for speed with the 180 VLD but too inconsistent.
I am using a gempro 250 and have had great success with it.

Are you planning on testing other powders?

I've also noticed that retumbo threw high SDs with the CCI 250 and they came down with FGMM 215 primers. I know the ignition is a tad hotter in the 215s
Or I should say what other slower powders did you test?

I won't test any other powders this season. I have a late rifle whitetail season here and would like the 195 to see some action. We have two tags Nov 11-19.
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