I don't agree with this. I am at my local range every weekend for 4-6 hours. I shoot 2800-4000 centerfire rounds each year. And half of them are doing load development. The other half are at ranges from 500-1700+.
There are several regulars, including a couple who are LE trainers that shoot hundreds of rounds weekly from SBRs and handguns. It can be annoying, but they are awesome people honing their skills to teach others. Lots of other guys who are learning and practicing.
Every rifle I own has a brake. From 6CM to .300RUM and 6 others in between. Plus the opportunity to shoot 40 or so other rifles each year.
I welcome questions from lesser experienced shooters. I regularly offer help to people who need it. Both in helping sight in their rifles, with tools to help, and with information.
All of my personal rifles are high end customs. With top tier glass. No big deal when people ask me about them, or want to see what a true high end optic looks like. Most of the other rifles I get to shoot are customs or high end factory rifles too. Always nice to look at sexy toys and discuss them. Not everyone can afford high end toys, but everyone like to look at them.
Only takes a few seconds to help spot for someone. Not everyone getting into the sport can afford high end glass to see 6mm holes at 200+ yards.
It is not that difficult to bore sight a rifle at 100 or even 200. I do it all the time by simply pulling the bolt and looking down the bore and dialing to get on paper. I actually NEVER bore sight and zero a scoped rifle at 25 or 50 yards. Ever. And I zero 40+ rifles a year. If you can't bore sight it past 25 or 50, maybe you need the help.
Helping others is good manners and improves the sport. Everyone starts out sometime. No need to be an elitist and discourage others who need help. If you want the place to yourself, don't go to a public range.