Let see those deer rifles

Ok, I'll play.

Turned the barrel (what a pain) from an Obermeyer blank, topped with a NXS 2.5x10. Scope mount is a Navy designed one with the front ring sandwiched between barrel and receiver, rear part sits inside the rear sight pocket with 2 bolts clamping it through the ears. Receiver is heel stamped Polytech. Surefire suppressor.

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Here's a sampling of mine left to right. Wby. Altitude in 6.5 CRDM (130 Accubond); Cooper Custom Classic in .243 (24" bbl). My go to bullet in that is an 85 grain Sierra HPBT for deer and chucks and a Cooper Jackson Game in .25-06 (115 Nosler for deer, 90 grain Sierra Blitzking for chucks).

View attachment 181667
Great looking guns my go to 2506 with a 4x14x40 cds leupold scope 100 grain nosler ballistic tips have done well at ranges up to 500 yds 69 black tails in California and many coyotes 1969 Remington adl
Ok, I'll play.

Turned the barrel (what a pain) from an Obermeyer blank, topped with a NXS 2.5x10. Scope mount is a Navy designed one with the front ring sandwiched between barrel and receiver, rear part sits inside the rear sight pocket with 2 bolts vlamping it through the ears. Receiver is heel stamped Polytech. Surefire suppressor.

View attachment 181899
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