Leopold vx5hd

How is the low light in the VX5-HD 3-15x56 version with firedot?
I have two of these exact scopes. It will take you beyond legal hunting light - I was shocked at the low light performance on mine...so much so that I moved one to my 25-06 that I use for coyote hunting.

I have some sig whiskey 5's, vortex PSTs, hsts and hslrs, and Nightforce SHVs. These were my first Leupold purchases, ever. So impressed I will be working on swapping out the others listed above for the vx5hd. It wasn't just the light gathering, my scopes have tracked flawlessly on the box tests I have performed. They hold up to abuse - I though for certain the VX5HD on my 270 wsm would have lost its zero during the pack out on my mule deer hunt this year. It got the heck beat out of it...I ran it up to the range to see what the damage was before the elk hunt and that sucker was dead on. Leupold is winning my business.
Good to know. I currently have a Schmidt Bender 2.5-10x56 with illuminated reticle that I just purchased, but I now realize that I want / need more zoom and will probably sell or trade. Thus me asking about that VX5 in 56 mm. The low light in that SB is amazing, but with Louisiana having legal shooting hours for deer, the SB is way over kill.
See my comment about Leupold VX5 just posted in my MARCH 3 - 24 x 42 scope thread.

Leupold has a way to go with the VX 5 before I'd consider it for my Browning X-Bolt Pro mountain rifle. I'm still going with the MARCH 3 - 24 x 42, FFP, mil/mil. illuminated - price be damned.

That said my next choice would be the NF 4 - 16 x 42 F1, then the Vortex Razor HD AMG 6 - 24 x 50.

Eric B.
In all my experiences when I have waited for a product to be released it has never been on time......LOL
But I can say I am very happy with the VX-5 & 6 glass.
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