Len's Seven Backpack Trip Destinations For 2017

Yosemite can get quite crowded like Zion in the summer.
Would also highly recommend the "Mist Trail" I think they renamed it, because I don't remember it being called that in 2015. That trail takes you from the base of Half Dome through several waterfalls and if you swing South it takes you to Glacier Point which is one of the quintessential tourist photo spots, but a good day hike from the valley floor. I went in April/May with a buddy and the streams feeding the falls were slick like waterslides which was a lot of fun. Some of the waterfalls will dry out in the fall and in the summer, the volume decreases drastically.
There are also sugar pinecones, which are the longest pinecones in the world. The wildflowers blooming make the park in that time of year just surreal.
X, I actually cancelled my Yosemite trip that year because the snow was too deep up high where I had my back country reservation.
Sorry to hear that! Even with the crowds, Yosemite is one of those places that will fill you with wonder and amazement. Zion evokes similar feelings as well! Enjoy your trip and stay safe there!
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