Leica 1600b profiles and angle


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2014
I have been reading through all the posts to understand how the 1600b uses the profiles in correcting distance. As I understand it, it applies one of the curves and simultaneously adjusts for temp and pressure over sea level, as well as angle.

My problem is I don't think any of the profiles will fit my load. I have not been able to find the entire chart, but I did get the information on curve 4 out to 500, and it was well off. From the parts I have for curve 5, I suspect it will be off in the other direction...ie I will fill in between.

All I really want is for it to give me a corrected distance based on the angle, and to leave the rest alone, which it does not seem to do.

Am I understanding this correctly? That is, in order to get the angle corrected distance with any decent accuracy, I have to have a load that matches one of the curve presets?

Somehow, I find it hard to believe that as many people recommend this RF, all of them fit one of the curves, so I wonder if I am misunderstanding how all of this works.

for some reason it didn't work ?
just click on it for a bigger pic and ignore the red biro me son got to it haha


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"All I really want is for it to give me a corrected distance based on the angle, and to leave the rest alone, which it does not seem to do."

Leica 1000R.

straight line or cosine only for angle comp. No ballistics, temp, humidity nonsense.
"All I really want is for it to give me a corrected distance based on the angle, and to leave the rest alone, which it does not seem to do."

Leica 1000R.

straight line or cosine only for angle comp. No ballistics, temp, humidity nonsense.

The 1600B does exactly what you want. I'm not going to walk you through it but when set up correctly you can shoot line of sight then in a second or so another reading will appear lower which is the corrected yardage for whatever the degree of slope out to 800 yards. Beyond that it does not correct. Then if you press the secondary button it will give you temp, baro pressure and degree of slope.
Yep none of the drops match anything I shoot either!!
for some reason it didn't work ?
just click on it for a bigger pic and ignore the red biro me son got to it haha

Thanks so much for posting this, this is what I needed to see! Looks like I'll be off almost 4 inches at 500 with curve 4, and something close to 6 with curve 5!

Beyond 500, I did not even bother looking....
"All I really want is for it to give me a corrected distance based on the angle, and to leave the rest alone, which it does not seem to do."

Leica 1000R.

straight line or cosine only for angle comp. No ballistics, temp, humidity nonsense.

This is one I am very much looking at as an alternative. The only reason I don't snatch it up is I wonder how far it will really go in real life. That is, I wanted the 1600 because though I never will shoot at game beyond 500, I will use it to tell how far I need to go to close the gap etc. For that, ranging rocks etc. is fine...plus I will shoot at 1k or so for fun at rocks etc.

I figure the 1600's extra power will also make it able to range to 500 under more difficult circumstances. Sorta like a Ferrari vs my Camry. I can do 110 in my Camry under perfect conditions, but the Ferrari will do 110 with ease wherever and whenever.

So am interested in hearing how well this one will work. If they just made the 1600 like they do the 1000, it would fit my needs perfectly.

The Zeiss PRF actually feels better in my hands, but that big beam just seems like a deal breaker.
The 1600B does exactly what you want. I'm not going to walk you through it but when set up correctly you can shoot line of sight then in a second or so another reading will appear lower which is the corrected yardage for whatever the degree of slope out to 800 yards. Beyond that it does not correct. Then if you press the secondary button it will give you temp, baro pressure and degree of slope.
Yep none of the drops match anything I shoot either!!


Thanks for this! So far, I have heard different, that my choices are 1) uncorrected distance and then the raw temp, angle, pressure data for me to figure on my own -or- corrected distance using all the info in the curves etc.

I have tried to get with Leica to ask this question, but have not been successful yet. I did talk to a super nice Leica rep guy from one of the boards, and he seemed to indicate that if I had to either get uncorrected distance or the whole enchilada, but I may have misunderstood him. So to verify what you are telling me, I think I am understanding you correctly when you say it will output distance corrected for angle only if I want that?

That would be awesome!
I have mine set up to just show the corrected angle yardage after it shows the initial yardage. Pretty handy, I just wish it went to 1000 with angle compensation. None of their drop charts worked for me either. You do have to set it up with one of their drops to have it show the corrected yardage though.

Thanks for this! So far, I have heard different, that my choices are 1) uncorrected distance and then the raw temp, angle, pressure data for me to figure on my own -or- corrected distance using all the info in the curves etc.

I have tried to get with Leica to ask this question, but have not been successful yet. I did talk to a super nice Leica rep guy from one of the boards, and he seemed to indicate that if I had to either get uncorrected distance or the whole enchilada, but I may have misunderstood him. So to verify what you are telling me, I think I am understanding you correctly when you say it will output distance corrected for angle only if I want that?

That would be awesome!

I have mine set up as follows. Press the primary button and get the box. Press again and it gives me the line of sight distances. Wait for about a count of 2 and then it gives me the equivalent horizontal distance. Press the secondary button gives me a box and it gives me the slope angle in degrees the temperature and barometric pressure.

Look at page 36 Ballistic Output Formats in the user manual. Seems I kept playing with it and got it figured out and set up the way I wanted.

It will not give you corrected distance only!! It will give you line of sight then corrected distance with one press of the primary button once set up.
I have mine set up to just show the corrected angle yardage after it shows the initial yardage. Pretty handy, I just wish it went to 1000 with angle compensation. None of their drop charts worked for me either. You do have to set it up with one of their drops to have it show the corrected yardage though.


Odd that it requires a drop to be chosen. I wonder if since it requires you to set up one of their charts to show corrected yardage, I wonder if it is using that chart when it spits out the corrected yardage to you? I have tried multiple times to get Leica on the phone to ask this, guess they are a bit busy!

Have you ever tried comparing the readings to see if it' 'monkeying' with them a bit?
I have mine set up as follows. Press the primary button and get the box. Press again and it gives me the line of sight distances. Wait for about a count of 2 and then it gives me the equivalent horizontal distance. Press the secondary button gives me a box and it gives me the slope angle in degrees the temperature and barometric pressure.

Look at page 36 Ballistic Output Formats in the user manual. Seems I kept playing with it and got it figured out and set up the way I wanted.

It will not give you corrected distance only!! It will give you line of sight then corrected distance with one press of the primary button once set up.

Cool, I am going to try and find that manual online and have a look. Did yours require you to choose a curve for it to function this way?

This sounds like it's just what I need....

Odd that it requires a drop to be chosen. I wonder if since it requires you to set up one of their charts to show corrected yardage, I wonder if it is using that chart when it spits out the corrected yardage to you? I have tried multiple times to get Leica on the phone to ask this, guess they are a bit busy!

Have you ever tried comparing the readings to see if it' 'monkeying' with them a bit?

As far As I can tell you DO have to pick a chart for the Erh to function. The Erh reading has nothing to do with your drop calculations you choose on the rangefinder. I did pick out the closest one though. It seems to be quite accurate as far as I can tell.
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