Last minute Wyoming advice.

We had a great day. I took mine early in the morning. At 263 yards. Dad and both uncle's took there's throughout the day. Our last one at 5 o clock.

I spent the day running the range finder, skinning and quartering and packing stuff out. One group of about 25 antelope we played tag with for over two miles before Dad finally connected on our best one at 247 yards. It was a mile pack out to the road.

Uncle's took antelope at 330 yards and 176 yards as well. I really truly had a blast. Long, fun, day.

I'll get some pictures up when I can. Gonna eat and get cleaned up now. Shooting prairie dogs tomorrow hopefully.

First one is mine. It was the first buck I saw but I liked him and liked the shot. 267 yards resting off my pack.

this was an uncle's at 330 yards off a bipod. We were actually sneaking up on another one that was still about 600 yards away when this one showed up to the West of us. So we watched it come in and it turned at 330 yards and he dropped it.

We Chased this group a long way. Over two miles. They'd let us start to get close and then they'd take off. We finally caught up to them in this valley. He took the shot from that flat top hill to the left of his head. Antelope shook, walked a circle, and flipped over backwards. It has some neat junk on its horns that I'll try to get a better picture of later.

Congrats on the successful hunt! I had built up a few preference points for my son (how can you not for $10), and he drew an Any tag for Unit 31. It will be our first time doing anything other than Indiana Whitetail, we start the drive tomorrow afternoon. I think we are doing your trip @bocajnala in reverse. If we have time and the weather holds out, I want to see Mount Rushmore on the way home.
I hope you guys have the same luck that we did. Your son will have a blast. Aside from antelope, there is game all over the place to look at.

If it's y'all's first time out there, do the wildlife loop through Custer park, Rushmore, wall drug and the Badlands.

Good luck on your hunt!

I'M pretty sure that I've killed a few coyote where you were hunting from the pictures I have seen . I did predator control for over 30 years around area 29
Well done and congrats. We got ours the weekend before yours with all the rain and mud. Lucky for us we only hunted 1 hour and had both bucks down. Would of spent more time passing buck but rain and mud on the forcast
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